Zilha Nivad Samiti Raigad Results
Zilha Nivad Samiti Raigad Results
Zilha Nivad Samiti Raigad Result: Zilha Nivad Samiti Raigad Aligab has released the Final Selection List and Waiting List for the posts of Talathi and Driver Posts. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their name through the given link.
Check Selection and Waiting List Here
Zilha Nivad Samiti Raigad Exam Dates
District Selection Committee conduct Physical & Professional Examination on 25th January 2020 & also written examination will be conduct on 29th January 2020. Applicants who eligible for the examinations may bring their applications for written examinations as per the written examinations are need to be present at given location address.
Applicants can check the eligibility & ineligibility list of applicants from following link. Applicants list is as given in the following link eligible for written examination for recruitment to the posts
ZP Raigad Bharti Eligibility & Ineligibility List