CMHO Kondagaon Bharti 2019
CMHO Kondagaon Vacancy 2019
CMHO Kondagaon Bharti 2019 : Chief Medical Health Officer, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh published an notification for recruitment to the eligible applicants ANM (NHM), Staff Nurse (NHM), Psychiatric Nurse, Community Nurse, DPHN, OT Technician, Physiotherapist/ Occupational Therapist, Attendant, Staff Nurse, Aaya Bai, Cleaner, Sanitary Attendant, Hospital Attendant, Ward Orderly, DEO, Psychologist, Audiometrician/Audiologist, Audiometric Assistant, lnstructor, Field lnvestigator, STLS, Staff Nurse, Social Worker, Dental Surgeon & Dental Assistant posts. Applications are inviting for filling up the 74 vacancies of the posts to be filled. Eligible applicants to the posts can be apply by submission of the applications to given address. Last date for submission of the applications is 31st July 2019. More details of CMHO Kondagaon Bharti 2019 applications & applications address is as follows: –
मुख्य चिकित्सा एवं स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी, कोण्डागांव, छत्तीसगढ़ द्वारा प्रकाशित विज्ञापन अनुसार, यहाँ “ANM, स्टाफ नर्स, साइकियाट्रिक नर्स, कम्युनिटी नर्स, DPHN, OT टेक्नीशियन, फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट / ऑक्युपेशनल थेरेपिस्ट, अटेंडेंट, स्टाफ नर्स, आया बाई, क्लीनर, सेनेटरी अटेंडेंट, हॉस्पिटल अटेंडेंट, वार्ड ऑर्डरली, DEO, मनोवैज्ञानिक ऑडियोमेट्रिक / ऑडियोलॉजिस्ट, ऑडियोमेट्रिक असिस्टेंट, प्रशिक्षक, फील्ड अन्वेषक, STLS, स्टाफ नर्स, सोशल वर्कर, डेंटल सर्जन और डेंटल असिस्टेंट” पदों की 74 रिक्त जगहोंके लिए आवेदन आमंत्रित है. आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि 31 जुलाई 2019 है. अधिक जानकारी निचे दी गई है.
CMHO Kondagaon Recruitment 2019 Notification Details
CMHO Kondagaon Bharti 2019 : As per the require qualifications to the posts eligible applicants can be apply to the posts by submission of the applications to give address. Also applicants need to pay the applications fees as given below : –
- Name of Department : Chief Medical Health Officer, Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh
- Name Posts : ANM (NHM), Staff Nurse (NHM), Psychiatric Nurse, Community Nurse, DPHN, OT Technician, Physiotherapist/ Occupational Therapist, Attendant, Staff Nurse, Aaya Bai, Cleaner, Sanitary Attendant, Hospital Attendant, Ward Orderly, DEO, Psychologist, Audiometrician/Audiologist, Audiometric Assistant, lnstructor, Field lnvestigator, STLS, Staff Nurse, Social Worker, Dental Surgeon & Dental Assistant
- Number of Posts : 74 vacancies
- Application Mode : offline
- Official Website :
- Job Location : Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh
- Last Date : 31st July 2019
Vacancy Details for Kondagaon CMHO Bharti 2019 :
Sr.No. | Name of Posts | Vacancy | Qualifications |
01. | ANM (NHM) | 02 | ANlt/l Course Passed |
02. | Staff Nurse (NHM) | 13 | Or GNM |
03. | Psychiatric Nurse | 01 | Msc Psychiatric Nursing Or Bsc Nursing |
04. | Community Nurse | 01 | Bsc Nursing |
05 | DPHN | 01 | MSc Nursing Or Bsc Nursing |
06. | OT Technician | 02 | 10+2 qualifications |
07. | Physiotherapist/ Occupational Therapist | 01 | Bachelors Degree |
08. | Attendant | 01 | 8th Passed |
09. | Staff Nurse | 10 | Or GNM |
10. | Aaya Bai | 06 | 8rh Passed |
11. | Cleaner | 03 | 8th Passed |
12. | Sanitary Attendant | 02 | 12th Pass |
13. | Hospital Attendant | 02 | 12th Passed |
14. | Ward Orderly | 01 | 12th Passed |
15. | DEO | 01 | Gradate |
16. | Psychologist | 01 | PG Dgree in Psychology / MSW |
17. | Audiometician/Audiologist | 01 | Bachalor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (BASLP)/BSC |
18. | Audiometric Assistant | 01 | Diploma in Hearing Language and Speech |
19. | lnstructor for Hearing lmpired Children | 01 | Diploma in Training Young Deaf and Hearing Handicapped |
20. | Field Investigator | 01 | 10+2 with Science |
21. | STLS | 01 | Gruduate |
22. | Staff Nurse | 18 | Or GNM |
23. | Social Worker | 01 | Post Gradution Degree |
24. | Dental Surgeon | 01 | MDS |
25. | Dental Assistant | 01 | Matriculation (12th Pass) |
Application fees for Kondagaon CMHO Recruitment 2019 :
Class | Less than Rs.25000/- | More than Rs.25000/- |
SC/ ST/ Female | Rs.100/- | Rs.200/- |
OBC | Rs.200/- | Rs.300/- |
Unreserved | Rs.300/- | Rs.400/- |
How to Apply for CMHO Kondagaon Bharti 2019 :
- To apply to these posts applicants need to submit their applications to given application address.
- Applications to the posts should be as per the prescribe application format.
- Prescribe application format to be get filled with all require details
- Mention education qualifications, experience, age etc as per the requirement
- Duly filled applications to be get attach with all require documents & certificates as per the requirement to the posts.
- Applications in complete form to be get reach before closing date to :
कार्यालय मुख्य चिकित्सा एवं स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी, जिला कोण्डागांव, छत्तीसगढ़
Last Date for submission of the applications is 31st July 2019
important links for CMHO Kondagaon Vacancy 2019 :