पोस्टल सर्कल GDS जानेवारी २०२५ शॉर्टलिस्ट उमेदवारांची यादी, येथे पहा..! – Indian Postal Circle Result
Maharashtra Postal Circle Result 2025 Out @indiapostgdsonline.gov.in
Indian Postal Circle Result 2025
GDS Online Engagement Schedule January 2025 Shortlisted Candidates list given here. These shortlisted candidates should get their documents verified through the Divisional Head mentioned against their names on or before 07/04/2025. The shortlisted candidates should report for verification along with originals and two sets of self attested photocopies of all the relevant documents.
GDS Online Engagement Schedule July 2024 Shortlisted Candidates list given here. These shortlisted candidates should get their documents verified through the Divisional Head mentioned against their names on or before 11/03/2025. The shortlisted candidates should report for verification along with originals and two sets of self attested photocopies of all the relevant documents.
Maharashtra Postal Circle Results declared for PA/SA/PM and MTS posts. Candidates see the 1st Provisional Merit list here.
Indian Post 6th Merit List Released on 30th December 2024 for Some State and Other States Merit List Will Be Declared soon. India Post GDS 6th Merit List 2024, Check State Wise Result PDF @indiapostgdsonline.gov.in. Indian Postal Circle Result 2024 See below:
Indian Postal Circle has released the gramik dak sevak (GDS) recruitment result 2024 as well as the first merit list. Candidates can check that indiapostgdsonline.gov.in above. According to the board, the merit list gives the registration number of the selected candidates. The Indian Post GDS Merit List has been prepared by the candidates based on the marks obtained in their Class 10 board exams. Selected candidates are required to appear for physical paper verification after the release of the merit list. Other details related to date and physical verification will be shared with the candidates on their registered mobile number.
Indian Postal Circle Result 2024 – इंडियन पोस्टल सर्कलचा ग्रामिक डाक सेवक (GDS) भरती 2024 चा निकाल तसेच पहिली गुणवत्ता यादी प्रकाशित केली आहे. उमेदवार ती indiapostgdsonline.gov.in वर तपासू शकतात. मंडळानुसार गुणवत्ता यादीमध्ये निवडलेल्या उमेदवारांचे नोंदणी क्रमांक दिलेला आहे. भारतीय पोस्ट GDS गुणवत्ता यादी उमेदवारांनी त्यांच्या वर्ग 10 च्या बोर्ड परीक्षेत मिळवलेल्या गुणांवर आधारित तयार केली आहे. निवडलेल्या उमेदवारांना गुणवत्ता यादी जाहीर झाल्यानंतर प्रत्यक्ष कागद पडताळणीसाठी उपस्थित राहणे आवश्यक आहे. तारीख आणि प्रत्यक्ष पडताळणी संबंधित इतर तपशील उमेदवारांसोबत त्यांच्या नोंदणीकृत मोबाइल नंबरवर शेअर केले जातील.
Maha Postal Circle Results OUT!!
Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment Result for Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS), Branch Post Master (BPM), Assistant Branch Post Master (ABPM) and Dak Sevak posts has been released Now. Selection will be based on academic only Merit list (i.e. 10th / SSC exam marks). We are providing direct download link for Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Merit List. Applicants who applied for these Gramin Dak Sevak GDS posts can check the result from the link below. All Contenders can download Maharashtra Postal Merit List of GDS BPM, Assistant Branch Postmaster and Dak Sevak Bharti 2023 from here through official link posted below. Check the result overview from below link. Below is the list of selected candidates for Maharashtra Postal Circle Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Bharti 2023 Document Verification.
महाराष्ट्र पोस्टल सर्कल (महाराष्ट्र पोस्टल विभाग) – ग्रामीण डाक सेवक (GDS) शाखा पोस्ट मास्टर (BPM), असिस्टंट ब्रांच पोस्ट मास्टर (ABPM) आणि डाक सेवक या पदांसाठी भरती निकाल जाहीर झाला आहे. निवड केवळ शैक्षणिक गुणवत्तेच्या आधारावर (म्हणजे 10वी / एसएससी परीक्षेतील गुण) आधारित असेल. महाराष्ट्र पोस्टल सर्कल GDS गुणवत्ता यादीसाठी थेट डाउनलोड लिंक देत आहोत. या ग्रामीण डाक सेवक GDS पदांसाठी अर्ज केलेले अर्जदार खालील लिंकवरून निकाल पाहू शकतात. सर्व स्पर्धक खाली पोस्ट केलेल्या अधिकृत लिंकद्वारे येथून GDS BPM, सहाय्यक शाखा पोस्टमास्टर आणि डाक सेवक भारती 2023 ची महाराष्ट्र पोस्टल गुणवत्ता यादी डाउनलोड करू शकतात. खालील लिंकवरून निकालाचे विहंगावलोकन पहा. महाराष्ट्र पोस्टल सर्कल ग्रामीण डाक सेवक (GDS) भारती 2023 दस्तऐवज पडताळणीसाठी निवडलेल्या उमेदवारांची यादी खाली दिली आहे.
These shortlisted candidates should get their documents verified through the Divisional Head mentioned against their names on or before 17/07/2023. The shortlisted candidates should report for verification along with originals and two sets of self attested photocopies of all the relevant documents.
GDS Short Listed Candidates– Maharashtra
GDS Online Engagement Schedule-II: regarding extension of last date for GDS engagement Schedule-II, July-2023 with respect to Manipur Division.
The recruitment for the post of Gramin Dak Sevak and other internal posts under the Maharashtra Postal Department was started. The selection of the candidates for this recruitment was to be done on the basis of merit based on 10th marks. Maharashtra Circled has announced the result in this regard. Use the link given below to download the result. * These short listed candidates should get their documents verified through the Divisional Head mentioned against their names on or before 21/03/2023. * The shortlisted candidates should report for verification along with originals and two sets of self attested photocopies of all the relevant documents.
Check Maharashtra Post Circle GDS Results
Indian Post has released the Gramin Dak Sevek Supplementary List V of Shortlisted candidat3es of all circles of Maharashtra on its official website. Candidates can now check the India Post 5th Merit List on the Official Website https://indianpostonline.gov.in
Applicants can Click on India Post GDS Fifth Supplementary List 2022 Download Link to Check Indian Dak Seva 5th Supplementary List 2022 District Name Application Number Category Rank Wise From the Post Below.
Maharashtra Postal Circle Results: Document Verification : Maharashtra Postal Circle has recently released list V of the candidates selected for the Document Verification round for the posts of Gramin Dak Sevak. Applicants who eligible for the documents verification for GDS Posts may bring their applications for documents verification. Applicants are have to carry their all necessary documents & certificates as necessary to the posts. These short listed candidates should get their documents verified through the Divisional Head mentioned against their names on or before 6th October 2022. No extra time will be given to any such candidates in any circumstances. The shortlisted candidates should report for verification along with originals and a complete set of photo copies of all the relevant documents
Maharashtra GDS Online Engagement – Cycle IV – Maharashtra Circle – List V Download: Click Here
Maharashtra Postal Circle Results: Document Verification : Maharashtra Postal Circle has recently released list IV of the candidates selected for the Document Verification round for the posts of Gramin Dak Sevak. Applicants who eligible for the documents verification for GDS Posts may bring their applications for documents verification. Applicants are have to carry their all necessary documents & certificates as necessary to the posts. These short listed candidates should get their documents verified through the Divisional Head mentioned against their names on or before 9th September 2022. No extra time will be given to any such candidates in any circumstances. The shortlisted candidates should report for verification along with originals and a complete set of photo copies of all the relevant documents
Maharashtra GDS Online Engagement – Cycle IV – Maharashtra Circle – List IV Download: Click Here
Maharashtra Postal Circle Results: Document Verification : Maharashtra Postal Circle has recently released list III of the candidates selected for the Document Verification round for the posts of Gramin Dak Sevak. Applicants who eligible for the documents verification for GDS Posts may bring their applications for documents verification. Applicants are have to carry their all necessary documents & certificates as necessary to the posts. These short listed candidates should get their documents verified through the Divisional Head mentioned against their names on or before 16/08/2022. No extra time will be given to any such candidates in any circumstances. The shortlisted candidates should report for verification along with originals and a complete set of photo copies of all the relevant documents
Maharashtra GDS Online Engagement – Cycle IV – Maharashtra Circle – List III Download: Click Here
Maharashtra Postal Circle Results: Document Verification : Maharashtra Postal Circle has recently released list of the candidates selected for the Document Verification round for the posts of Gramin Dak Sevak. Applicants who eligible for the documents verification for GDS Posts may bring their applications for documents verification. Applicants are have to carry their all necessary documents & certificates as necessary to the posts. These short listed candidates should get their documents verified through the Divisional Head mentioned against their names on or before 04/08/2022. No extra time will be given to any such candidates in any circumstances. The shortlisted candidates should report for verification along with originals and a complete set of photo copies of all the relevant documents
Maharashtra GDS Online Engagement – Cycle IV – Maharashtra Circle – List II Download: Click Here
Maharashtra Postal Circle Results: Document Verification : Maharashtra Postal Circle has recently released list the of the candidates selected for the Document Verification round for the posts of Gramin Dak Sevak. Applicants who eligible for the documents verification for GDS Posts may bring their applications for documents verification. Applicants are have to carry their all necessary documents & certificates as necessary to the posts. The listed candidates should get their documents verified by the mentioned divisional head before 05.07.2022. After the document verification, the Maharashtra circle released a merit list for selecting the candidates. .
Maharashtra Postal Department GDS Bharti 2022 Shortlisted candidates list PDF for document verification
Maharashtra Postal Circle Exam Results : Maharashtra Postal Department has announced the cut off marks for the recruitment of Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) Postman / Mail Guard. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their marks from the given link
Division Wise Cut-off Marks Postman / Mail Guard
Division Wise Cut-off Marks Multi-Tasking Staff
Maharashtra Postal Circle Exam Results : Maharashtra Postal Department has recently released released the Merit list for the posts of Mutli-Tasking Staff. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their merit list from the given direct link. Applicants need to check merit by category wise.
- Updated Merit list of selected candidates for the post of MTS- UR Category
- Updated Merit list of selected candidates for the post of MTS- SC Category
- Updated Merit list of selected candidates for the post of MTS- ST Category
- Updated Merit list of selected candidates for the post of MTS- OBC Category
Maha Postal Circle Results 2021 is OUT!!
Maharashtra Postal Circle GDS Exam Results: Maharashtra Postal Circle Results: Maharashtra Postal Department has recently released the results for Gramin Dak Sevak Posts. This recruitment process was implemented for 2428 posts. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their results from the given PDF.
Post Office Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) 2022
महाराष्ट्र टपाल विभाग अंतर्गत डाक सेवक पदाचा निकाल आज जाहीर करण्यात आलेला आहेत. निकाल डाउनलोड करण्यासाठी खालील लिंक वर क्लिक करावे.
Click Here to Download GDS Maharashtra Result
Maharashtra Postal Circle – पोस्टमन, MTS आणि मेल गार्ड पदांसाठी मेरिट लिस्ट जाहीर
Maharashtra Postal Circle Results: Maharashtra Postal Department has released a Merit List candidates for Paper II & III, exams conducted for the post of Postman | Mail Guard| Mutlistasing Staff Post. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their Roll Numbers from the given link.
- III-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of Postman- SC Category
- II-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of Postman- UR Category
- IV-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of Postman- ST Category
- VIII-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of Mailguard- OBC Category
- VII-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of Mailguard- SC Category
- VI-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of Mailguard- UR Category
- V-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of Postman- OBC Category
- XIII-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of MTS- OBC Category
- XII-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of MTS- ST Category
- XI-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of MTS- SC Category
- X-Merit list of selected candidates for the post of MTS- UR Category
Maharashtra Postal Circle – पोस्टमन, MTS आणि मेल गार्ड पात्र/अपात्रांची यादी
Maharashtra Postal Circle Results: Maharashtra Postal Department has released a List of Qualified/Non-Qualified candidates for Paper II & III, exams conducted for the post of Postman | Mail Guard| Mutlistasing Staff Post. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their Roll Numbers from the given link.
List of Qualified/Non-Qualified For Postman | Mail Guard|
List of Qualified/Non-Qualified For MTS
Maharashtra Postal Circle – पोस्टमन, MTS आणि मेल गार्ड कट-ऑफ गुण जाहीर
Maharashtra Postal Department has released Category Wise Cut-off Marks of Paper I for the Examination of Postman / Mail Guard, of Multi-Tasking Staff. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their cut off Marks Category Wise.
महाराष्ट्र डाक विभाग भरती २०२१
Maha Postal Circle -महाराष्ट्र पोस्टल सर्कल MTS, पोस्टमन आणि मेलगार्ड परीक्षेचे प्रवेशपत्र जाहीर
महाराष्ट्र पोस्टल विभागाचा पोस्टमन, मेल गार्ड आणि MTS पदांच्या परीक्षेचा निकाल जाहीर
This list of shortlisted candidates selected for the online examination for direct recruitment for the post of Postman (PM) / Mail Guard (MG) and Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) in Maharashtra Postal Circle has been uploaded. Please click on the link below to check it out.
Maharashtra Postal Department has released Results is published Now. Check the Online result from given Links.
Download List Of Shortlisted Candidates For Paper I in MTS
List of shortlisted candidates in Paper-I for appearing in Paper-ll and Paper-lll Examinations for the posts of Postman (PM) /Mail Guard (MG) (in Roll Number order )
Maha Postal Circle Answer Key
The Department of Posts has Released Maharashtra Post Answer Key of Postman/Mail Guard & Multi Tasking Staff Exam 2021. All those aspirants who have given exam from 5th to 15th Jan 2021 for MTS Posts and form 15th to 29th Jan 2021 For Postman/Mail Guard Posts can download their answer key from the given link.
The online portal to see the view QP is now live for the candidates from 20th September 2021 from 10:00 am to 22nd September 2021 23:59 pm. Kindly click on “View QP Link” to see your view QP.
Maharashtra Postal Circle QP Download: Click Here
Maharashtra Postal Circle 2015 Results
Postman/ Mail Guard Exam 2015 Result declared by Maharashtra Postal Circle for Postman/Milgard and MTS. 2nd & 4th list of non-tainted candidates has been released. Candidates check their results from below given link on this page. . Candidates keep visit on our website for the latest updates of Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment
Maharashtra Postal Circle 2019 Results
Postman/ Mail Guard Exam 2019 Result declared by Maharashtra Postal Circle. Postal / Mail Guard Exam was held on 05th November 2017. Candidates check their results from below given link on this page. Maharashtra Postal Circle Postman examine 2017 results and selection list is given below. Candidates keep visit on our website for the latest updates of Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment 2019
गोरमेंट नोकरी अपडेट पाठवा
Sir i have a job any services
Maharashtra GDS che result Pathva sir
Hi Sir I’m bapuji meshram
ड्रायव्हर हेवी लायसन्स
Urgently jobs private
Jitendra tadvi