पशुसंवर्धन विभागात पशुवैद्यक 3000 पदे भरणार- पशुसंवर्धन मंत्री – Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2025

AHD Maharashtra Bharti 2025- GR, Notification, Vacancy, Apply Details

Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2025 for 3000 posts –As per the latest updates regarding the new recruitment process is that 3000 posts will be filled soon. According to the recommendations of the National Commission for Agriculture, there should be one veterinarian for every 5,000 animals. At present, there are 3.30 crore livestock in the state and not enough veterinary staff are available for this purpose. 3,000 posts of veterinarians to be filled soon: Animal Husbandry Minister
राष्ट्रीय कृषी आयोगाच्या शिफारशींनुसार ५००० प्राण्यांमागे एक पशुवैद्यक असणे आवश्यक. सध्या राज्यात ३ कोटी ३० लाख पशुधन असून, त्यासाठी पुरेसे पशुवैद्यकीय कर्मचारी उपलब्ध नाहीत. या पार्श्वभूमीवर लवकरच ३००० पशुवैद्यकांची पदे भरणार- पशुसंवर्धन मंत्री

Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2025 – A total of 3694 posts are vacant in the clerical cadre in the animal husbandry and dairying department. The department of animal husbandry and dairying has been restructured and the staff working in the posts of superintendent and senior clerk in the clerical cadre, which has been abolished as per the draft, will be made additional. Candidates Read the complete details given below on this page regarding the AHD Bharti 2025 and keep visit on our website www.govnokri.in for further updates also you can download our Sarkari Naukri App for the fast updates.

It has been requested that the condition of taking action as per the provisions of the Government Decision of 10/09/2001 should be removed and the employees working in these posts should be kept working in the Animal Husbandry Department and their eligibility should be approved for promotion to the posts of Administration Officer (Group-B), Senior Assistant (Group-C), Short Writer Lower Grade (Group-C), Clerical Typewriter (Group-C) and Livestock Supervisor (Group-C) respectively.

पशुसंवर्धन व दुग्ध व्यवसाय विभागात लिपीक संवर्गात एकूण ३६९४ पदे रिक्त आहेत. पशुसंवर्धन व दुग्ध व्यवसाय विभागाची पुनर्रचना व आकृतीबंधानुसार निरसीत करण्यात आलेल्या लिपीक संवर्गातील अधिक्षक व वरिष्ठ लिपीक या पदांवरील कार्यरत कर्मचा-यांना अतिरिक्त ठरवुन वित्त् विभागाचे दि. 10/09/2001 च्या शासन निर्णयामधील तरतुदीनुसार कार्यवाही करणेबाबतची अट रदद करुन सदर पदांवर कार्यरत कर्मचा-यांना पशुसंवर्धन विभागात कार्यरत ठेवुन त्यांचे पात्रतेनुसार अनुक्रमे प्रशासन अधिकारी (गट-ब), वरिष्ठ सहाय्यक (गट-क), लघुलेखक निम्नश्रेणी (गट-क), लिपीक टंकलेखक (गट-क) व पशुधन पर्यवेक्षक (गट-क) या पदांवर टप्प्याटप्प्याने पदोन्नती करण्यास मंजुरी प्रदान करण्यात यावी ही विनती करण्यात आली आहे. तसेच अधिक माहितीसाठी खाली दिलेली लिंक ओपन करावी. सर्व सरकारी जॉब्सची माहिती व्हाट्सअपवर मिळविण्यासाठी आमच्या व्हाट्सअप ग्रुपला जॉईन करा.

Complete Notification

Other Important Recruitment  

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📥 व्हाट्सअँप चॅनल जॉईन करा!

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AHD Bharti 2025

Pashusavardhan Vibhag Pune Bharti 2024 – Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Maharashtra Pune invited applications fromVeterinary Graduate, Data Entry Operator” for establishment of State Project Management Unit of National Livestock Mission (NLM) at Office of the Commissioner A.H., Aundh, Pune. Persons withexperience are desirable. Last date of submission of applications is 20th June 2024. Address for submission of application on Animal Husbandry Commissionerate, Aundh, Pune-67. Candidates Read the complete details given below on this page regarding the Pune Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2024 and keep visit on our website www.govnokri.in for further updates also you can download our Sarkari Naukri App for the fast updates.

पशुसंवर्धन विभाग पुणे, नि प्रसिद्ध केलेल्या जाहिराती नुसार येथे “पशुवैद्यकीय पदवीधर, डेटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर” पदांच्या एकूण 4 रिक्त  जागांसाठी अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत. इच्छुक आणि पात्र उमेदवारांनी 20 जून 2024 पर्यंत आपले अर्ज पशुसंवर्धन आयुक्तालय, औंध, पुणे-६७ पत्यावर पाठवावे. तसेच अधिक माहितीसाठी खाली दिलेली लिंक ओपन करावी. सर्व सरकारी जॉब्सची माहिती व्हाट्सअपवर मिळविण्यासाठी आमच्या व्हाट्सअप ग्रुपला जॉईन करा.

केंद्र पुरस्कृत राष्ट्रीय पशुधन अभियान (NLM-National Livestock Mission) ही योजना केंद्र शासनाच्या सुधारीत मार्गदर्शक सुचनांनुसार सन २०२१-२२ पासून राज्यात राबविण्यात येत आहे. सदर अभियानांतर्गत Entrepreneurship Development Facilitation हेल्प डेस्कची स्थापना पशुसंवर्धन आयुक्तालय, औंध, पुणे-६७ येथे करण्यात येणार आहे. सदर हेल्प डेस्क अंतर्गत कंत्राटी पद्धतीने मानधन तत्त्वावर सेवा उपलब्ध होण्यासाठी खालील नमूद पदांसाठी अर्हताधारक इच्छूक उमेदवारांकडून अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहे.

Pashusavardhan Vibhag Pune Bharti 2024 Notification

Here we give the complete details of Animal Husbandry Department Pune Bharti 2024. Educational qualification of posts, Age Limit, Jobs Location, Experience details, how to apply for the posts, where to apply for the posts, last date, and important link, etc., Candidates go through the complete details before applying for the posts. We daily ads the news jobs details on our website telegram channel. So join our Telegram channel for the latest updates.

AHD Pune Bharti 2024 Details

 Recruitment Name :  Animal Husbandry Department, Pune
 Number of Vacancies :  04 Posts
 Name of Post :  Veterinary Graduate, Data Entry Operator
 Job Location :  Pune, Maharashtra
  • Veterinary Graduate – Rs 56,000/- pm
  • Data Entry Operator – Rs 20,000/- pm
 Application Mode :  Offline Application Form
 Age Criteria :  refer pdf

AHD Maharashtra Recruitment 2024 Vacancy Details

1. Veterinary Graduate 
02 Posts
2. Data Entry Operator
02 Posts

Pashsavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2024- Eligibility Criteria

1. Veterinary Graduate 
  • Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Veterinary Science from a recognized University.
  • Passed MH-CIT or equivalent examination Government service or government approved activities / schemes / projects etc.
  • (Preferred if having working experience in or retired)
2. Data Entry Operator
  • Minimum 12th pass, Graduate preferred Passed MHCIT or equivalent examination
  • Passed English and Marathi  Typing Examination
  • Minimum 3 years working experience as Data Entry Operator, Government
  • Department / Activities / Schemes / Projects etc. Preferred if employed.)

How to Apply for Department of Animal Husbandry Recruitment 2024

  • Mention all required details in the offline applications form as per the requirement for the post
  • Also, applicants need to upload their scan copy of their photograph & signature as per the required scale
  • Before registering/applying online, candidates are advised to go through Detailed Instructions
  • Applicants to the posts posses with all require qualifications as per the posts are eligible to apply.
  • The prescribed application form is attached with below given PDF.
  • Fill the applications to the posts with all require details as necessary to the post
  • Also need to attach with all necessary documents & certificates as necessity to the posts
  • National Livestock Mission (NLM) is being implemented in the state from the year 2021-22 as per revised guidelines of the central government.
  • Under the said campaign, Entrepreneurship Development Facilitation Help Desk will be established at Animal Husbandry Commissionerate, Aundh, Pune-67.
  • Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following mentioned posts to provide service on contract basis under the said help desk.

⏰ All Important Dates of NDLM Career 2024

⏰ Last date to apply :
20th June 2024

Important Link of Pashusavardhan Vibhag Pune Bharti 2024


महाराष्ट्र पशुसंवर्धन भरती 2023 लेटेस्ट टेस्ट सिरीज

महाराष्ट्र पशुसंवर्धन भरतीची लेटेस्ट सराव पेपर्स टेस्ट सिरीज सुरु केली आहे यात मध्ये रोज नवीन नवीन पेपर्स ऍड होत राहतील.. जास्तीत जास्त टेस्ट सिरीज सोडवा…

AHD Bharti Test Series

Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2024 – Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Maharashtra latest updates is given here.  State Animal Husbandry Department and Zilla Parishad Animal Husbandry Department are functioning in Sindhudurg district. A total of 211 posts of District Assistant Commissioner, Livestock Development Officer, Assistant Livestock Development Officer, Livestock Supervisor, District Animal Husbandry Officer and others are sanctioned in both these departments.  But many of these positions have been lying vacant for the past few years. At present, as many as 87 posts are vacant in both the departments. This seems to be having a major impact on the animal husbandry of the district. The extra officers and staff involved in controlling lumpy skin were under pressure. Candidates Read the complete details given below on this page regarding the Pashusavardhan Vibhag Pune Bharti 2024 and keep visit on our website www.govnokri.in for further updates also you can download our Sarkari Naukri App for the fast updates.

सिंधुदुर्ग जिल्ह्यात पशुसंवर्धन विभागातील ८७ पदे रिक्त

सिंधुदुर्ग जिल्ह्यात राज्य पशुसंवर्धन विभाग आणि जिल्हा परिषद पशुसंवर्धन विभाग कार्यरत आहेत. या दोनही विभागांमध्ये जिल्हा साहाय्यक आयुक्त, पशुधन विकास अधिकारी, सहाय्यक पशुधन विकास अधिकारी, पशुधन पर्यवेक्षक, जिल्हा पशुसंवर्धन अधिकारी आणि इतर अशी एकूण २११ पदे मंजूर आहेत.  परंतु गेल्या काही वर्षांपासून यापैकी अनेक पदे रिक्त आहे. सद्यःस्थितीत दोनही विभागातील तब्बल ८७ पदे रिक्त आहेत. त्याचा मोठा परिणाम जिल्ह्याच्या पशुपालनावर होताना दिसत आहे. लम्पी स्कीन आटोक्यात आणताना असलेल्या अतिरिक्त अधिकारी आणि कर्मचाऱ्यांवर ताण आला होता. सर्व सरकारी जॉब्सची माहिती व्हाट्सअपवर मिळविण्यासाठी आमच्या व्हाट्सअप ग्रुपला जॉईन करा.

  • राज्य शासन आणि जिल्हा परिषद पशुसंवर्धन विभागामध्ये एकूण मंजूर असलेल्या २११ पदांपैकी तब्बल ८७ पदे गेल्या काही वर्षांपासून रिक्त आहेत. त्यामध्ये अधिकाऱ्यांची पदे रिक्त असल्यामुळे पशुपालकांची मोठी गैरसोय होत आहे.
  • जिल्ह्यात गायी, म्हशी, शेळ्या, डुक्कर असे १ लाख ८८ हजार ९९ प्राणी आहेत. या प्राण्यांवर उपचार करणे असलेल्या अधिकाऱ्यांना तारेवरची कसरत करावी लागत आहे. अधिकाऱ्यांची पदे रिक्त असल्यामुळे मोठ्या समस्येला पशुपालकांना सामोरे जावे लागते. ही पदे लवकरात लवकर भरावी, अशी मागणी यापूर्वीच पशुपालकांनी केली आहे.
  • पशुविकास अधिकारी नसल्याने पशुधनावर वेळेत उपचार होत नाही. याशिवाय विविध योजनांचा लाभ घेताना देखील अडचणी निर्माण होतात.
    – अर्जुन पोपकर, शेतकरी, सावंतवाडी
  • पशुसंवर्धन विभागातील पदे रिक्त आहेत ही वस्तुस्थिती आहे. या पदाची भरती प्रकिया गेल्या काही महिन्यांपासून प्रशासकीय पातळीवर सुरू आहे.
    – ज्योती खरे, उपायुक्त, जिल्हा पशुसंवर्धन विभाग, सिंधुदुर्ग

Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2024 | Smart Pune Recruitment 2024: Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Maharashtra has issued the notification for the recruitment of Livestock Value Chain Expert / Coordinating Consultant. Applications are invited from Assistant Commissioner Livestock Development Officer retired from Animal Husbandry Department. The job location for these post is Pune. Interested candidates should apply with self-signed certificate of educational qualification, experience etc. Submissions should be made to the following address on or before 29/01/2024 5:30 PM. Applications submitted by the candidates in Hard Copy as well as applications in Soft Copy submitted by e-mail will be considered. Candidates Read the complete details given below on this page regarding the Pashusavardhan Vibhag Pune Bharti 2024 and keep visit on our website www.govnokri.in for further updates also you can download our Sarkari Naukri App for the fast updates.

SMART प्रकल्प पुणे अंतर्गत या पदांची भरती -नवीन जाहिरात प्रकाशित !!

मा. बाळासाहेब ठाकरे कृषी व्यवसाय व ग्रामीण परिवर्तन प्रकल्प (स्मार्ट), पुणे अंतर्गत प्रकल्प अंमलबजावणी कक्ष पशुसंवर्धनसाठी वैयक्तिक माहितीसह अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहे. जागतिक बँक अर्थसहाय्यित मा. बाळासाहेब ठाकरे कृषी व्यवसाय व ग्रामीण परिवर्तन प्रकल्प (स्मार्ट), पुणे अंतर्गत प्रकल्प अंमलबाजावणी कक्ष पशुसंवर्धनासाठी पशुधन मूल्य साखळी तज्ञ / समन्वयक सल्लागार हे एक शासन निर्णय दि. १७ / १२ / २०१६ मधील तरतुदीनुसार भरण्याकरिता पशुसंवर्धन विभागातून सेवानिवृत्त झालेल्या सहाय्यक आयुक्त पशुधन विकास अधिकारी यांचेकडून अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत. पात्र उमेदवाराची थेट मुलाखतीद्वारे निवड करण्यात येणार आहे. इच्छुक उमेदवारांनी भरावयाचा अर्ज, कामाचे स्वरूप, शैक्षणिक अर्हता, अनुभव, अर्जाचा विहित नमुना व अर्ज करण्याची पद्धती इ. बाबतची सविस्तर माहिती www.ahd.maharashtra.gov.in या संकेतस्थळावर उपलब्ध करून देण्यात आलेली आहे.

इच्छुक उमेदवारांनी शैक्षणिक अर्हता, अनुभव इत्यादीबाबतच्या स्वस्वाक्षरीत प्रमाणपत्रासह अर्ज दि. २९/ ०१ / २०२४ रोजी सायंकाळी ५:३० वाजेपर्यंत किंवा त्यापूर्वी खालील पत्त्यावर सादर करावेत. उमेदवारांनी Hard Copy मध्ये सादर केलेले अर्ज तसेच ई-मेलद्वारे सादर केलेले Soft Copy मधील अर्जच विचारात घेतले जातील.

Address : पत्ता : पशुसंवर्धन आयुक्तालय, स्पायसर कॉलेज समोर, औंध पुणे महाराष्ट्र राज्य ४११०६७

Job Chart of posts at Project Implementing Unit (PIU-AHD), Pune

  1. Coordinating Consultant – 1 post (Head quarter – PIU AHD, Pune)
  2. Minimum educational  qualification – Graduate /Post graduate in Veterinary science.
  3. Experience –
    • Should have minimum 1-2 years working experience in a World Bank project.
    • Should have minimum experience of more than 10 years in small ruminant development sector & extension;
    • Should have experience of working in Government/Cooperative Sector / Private sector of which minimum 20 years.
    • Experienced in goat value chain /backyard poultry value chain, marketing of goat and experience in slaughter house.
    • Possess detail knowledge of formation of farmer’s producer’s company and working.
    • Should possess knowledge of goat breeding.
    • Should have overall knowledge and understanding of Animal Husbandry Department working.
    • Should have experience to coordinate with staff of AHD.
  4. Job description
    • Assist the project implementing committee for preparation project implementation plan for SMART project and ensure the effective and flexible coordination with relevant agencies working on livestock development;
    • Coordinate with the World Bank procurement method and technical consultancy services (TSA).
    • Undertake the day-to-day management of program activities
    • To prepare documents (financial, technical and meeting report, and feedbacks) are prepared in accordance with the agreed schedules and within timescales;
    • Coordinate the preparation of timely and quality documentation/implementation reports to be submitted to Nodal officer of AHD-SMART; including contributing to the packaging of feedbacks to farmers, community based
    • To consult to Project Implementing Unit regarding records on technical and financial aspects of project operation, including project activities and their outcomes; as well as minutes, decisions and recommendations of meetings and
      workshops ;
    • Lead the value chain and climate change risk assessments on business cases from the portfolios of stakeholder;
    • Undertake assessment of stakeholder’s capacity building gaps among state and regional extension services, farmer
      organizations, farmers, and other private sector stakeholders.
    • Facilitate in preparation and implementation of Farmers field school.
    • Evaluate Productive Plan & Market Assess Plan proposal received from Regional Implementing Units on basis of guidelines provided by the Project.
    • Provide excellent service to all stakeholders working within the program by being proactive, responsive and effectively dealing with program related concerns / issues;
    • Ensure effective dissemination of knowledge and insights gained; learning’s as well as tools and methodologies to approved program stakeholders and wider audience;
    • Organize training and learning and exchange visits for institutions, farmers, producer groups and private partners, including events tailored specifically to female and young farmers and entrepreneurs;
    • Organize regional and state workshops to discuss and disseminate the main findings and conclusions;
    • Organize techno meets at District level with the help of DIU.
    • Facilitate in establishment of goat Stewardship council in goat
    • Ensuring project deadlines are met.
    • Determining project changes.
    • Providing administrative support as needed.
    • Undertaking project tasks as required.
    • Developing project strategies.
    • Ensuring projects adhere to frameworks and all documentation is maintained appropriately for each project.
    • Assess project risks and issues and provide solutions where applicable.
    • Ensure stakeholder views are managed towards the best solution.
    • Chair and facilitate meetings where appropriate and ensure about distribute minutes to all project team members.
    • Create a project management calendar for fulfilling each goal and objective.
    • Perform any other duties assigned by the Commissioner of AHD from time to time.
  5. Age – Retired Assistant Commissioner of AH /Livestock Development Officer from Animal Husbandry Department.
    (As per provision mentioned in GR dated 17/12/2016)
  6. Remuneration , payment terms – As per the provision in the Govt. of Maharashtra GR issued dated 17/12/2016.

Important Links of Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2024

Application Form

Complete Details


Pashusavardhan Vibhag Hall Tickets Download

Admit cards for the online examination to be held on 09.09.2023 as per direct service recruitment in Animal Husbandry Department are available on the website of Animal Husbandry Department. However, the admit cards for the examination held on 11.09.2023 and 12.09.2023 will be available on the website of Animal Husbandry Department from 05.09.2023 onwards. In case of any kind of difficulty while receiving the admit card, the complaint should be reported on the website http://cgrs.ibps.in/.

पशुसंवर्धन विभागातील सरळसेवा पदभरतीच्या अनुषंगाने दिनांक 09.09.2023 रोजी होणा-या ऑनलाईन परिक्षेसाठी लागणारे प्रवेशपत्र पशुसंवर्धन विभागाच्या संकेतस्थळावर उपलब्ध आहेत. तथापी दिनांक 11.09.2023 व दिनांक 12.09.2023 रोजी होणा-या परिक्षेचे प्रवेशपत्र दिनांक 05.09.2023 पासुन पशुसंवर्धन विभागाच्या संकेतस्थळावर उपलब्ध होतील. प्रवेशपत्र प्राप्त करताना कोणत्याही प्रकारची अडचण निर्माण या संकेतस्थळावर तक्रार
झाल्यास http://cgrs.ibps.in/ नोंदवावी.

Important Dates

Commencement of Call letter Download 31 – 08 – 2023
Closure of Call letter Download 12 – 09 – 2023

Hall Ticket Download

IBPS company has been selected to fill the vacancies of various cadres in Group-C cadre in Animal Husbandry Department through direct service. Accordingly, the online examination for the recruitment of the said post by IBPS Company on 09.09.2023, 11.09.2023 and 09.09.2023. It will be held on 12.09.2023 and the following schedule has been submitted. Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2023 Hall Ticket available soon on this page.

पशुसंवर्धन विभागातील गट-क संवर्गातील सरळसेवेने भरावयाच्या पदभरतीच्या अनुषंगाने वेळापत्रक खात्याच्या संकेतस्थळावर प्रसिध्द करणेबाबत…

उपरोक्त विषयान्वये आपणास कळविण्यात येते की, पशुसंवर्धन विभागातील गट-क संवर्गातील विविध संवर्गाची सरळसेवेने रिक्त पदे भरणेसाठी आयबीपीएस या कंपनीची निवड करण्यात आली आहे. त्या अनुषंगाने आयबीपीएस कंपनीद्वारे सदर पद भरतीच्या ऑनलाईन परिक्षा ह्या दि.०९.०९.२०२३, दि.११.०९.२०२३ व दि. १२.०९.२०२३ रोजी घेण्यात येणार असून त्याबाबतचे खालील प्रमाणे वेळापत्रक सादर करण्यात आले आहे. 

(टिप परिक्षेचे प्रवेशपत्र खात्याच्या https://ahd.maharashtra.gov.in तसेच आय. बी. पी. एस. या कंपनीच्या https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/cahmay 23 / या संकेतस्थळावर यथावकाश प्रसिध्द करण्यात येईल (साधारणतः परिक्षेच्या १५ दिवस आगोदर ) त्या अनुषंगाने उमेदवारांनी संकेतस्थळावर भेट देऊन खात्री करावी व आपले प्रवेशपत्र प्राप्त करुन घ्यावे.)

Hall Ticket Download

Animal Husbandry Department Recruitment Exam Schedule 2023

AHD Exam

पशुसंवर्धन विभागातील सरळसेवा भरती परिक्षेचे वेळापत्रक व अभ्यासक्रमा बाबत .. NEW

Pashusavardhan Vibhag Recruitment 2023

AHD Maharashtra Recruitment Advertisement Published by Official website today (i.e. 26th May 2023) to filled 446 posts. The name of the post are Livestock Supervisor, Senior Clerk, Stenographer (High Grade), Stenographer (Low Grade), Laboratory Technician, Miscellaneous Cadre etc., This recruitment process has been held for AHD Pune Division. Online Application link open from 27th May 2023. Eligible candidates apply online till 16th June 2023. Candidates Read the complete details given below on this page regarding the Pashusavardhan Vibhag Pune Bharti 2023 and keep visit on our website www.govnokri.in for further updates also you can download our Sarkari Naukri App for the fast updates.

 सरळ सेवा भरतीसाठी ऑनलाईन अर्ज भरण्याची अंतिम दिनांक ११.०६.२०२३ ऐवजी दिनांक १६ .०६.२०२३ पर्यंत वाढविण्यात आलेली आहे.

Recruitment of Various Posts
Important Events Dates
Commencement of on-line registration of application 27/05/2023 10:00 AM
Closure of registration of application 16/06/2023
Closure for editing application details 16/06/2023
Last date for printing your application 01/07/2023
Online Fee Payment 27/05/2023 10:00 AM to 16/06/2023

पशुसंवर्धन विभाग पुणे नि प्रसिद्ध केलेल्या जाहिराती नुसार येथे “पशुधन पर्यवेक्षक, वरिष्ठ लिपिक, लघुलेखक (उच्च श्रेणी), लघुलेखक (निम्न श्रेणी), प्रयोगशाळा तंत्रज्ञ, विविध संवर्ग” पदांच्या एकूण 446 रिक्त  जागांसाठी अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत. इच्छुक आणि पात्र उमेदवारांनी 16 जुन 2023 पर्यंत आपले अर्ज दिलेल्या पत्यावर पाठवावे. तसेच अधिक माहितीसाठी खाली दिलेली लिंक ओपन करावी. सर्व सरकारी जॉब्सची माहिती व्हाट्सअपवर मिळविण्यासाठी आमच्या व्हाट्सअप ग्रुपला जॉईन करा.

Pashusavardhan Vibhag Pune Bharti 2023 Notification

Here we give the complete details of Animal Husbandry Department Pune Bharti 2023. Educational qualification of posts, Age Limit, Jobs Location, Experience details, how to apply for the posts, where to apply for the posts, last date, and important link, etc., Candidates go through the complete details before applying for the posts. We daily ads the news jobs details on our website telegram channel. So join our Telegram channel for the latest updates.

AHD Pune Bharti 2023 Details

 Recruitment Name :  Animal Husbandry Department
 Number of Vacancies :  446 Posts
 Name of Post :  Livestock Supervisor, Senior Clerk, Stenographer (High Grade), Stenographer (Low Grade), Laboratory Technician, Miscellaneous Cadre
 Job Location :  Pune, Maharashtra
 Pay-Scale Updates soon
 Application Mode :  Online Apply
 Age Criteria :  Updates soon

AHD Maharashtra Recruitment 2023 Vacancy Details

1. Livestock Supervisor
376 Posts
2. Senior Clerk
44 Posts
3. Stenographer (High Grade)
02 Posts
4. Stenographer (Low Grade)
13 Posts
5. Laboratory Technician
04 Posts
6. Miscellaneous Cadre
07 Posts

Pashsavardhan Vibhag Pune Bharti 2023- Eligibility Criteria for the above posts

1. Livestock Supervisor
Refer Pdf
2. Senior Clerk
Refer Pdf
3. Stenographer (High Grade)
Refer Pdf
4. Stenographer (Low Grade)
Refer Pdf
5. Laboratory Technician
Refer Pdf
6. Miscellaneous Cadre
Refer Pdf

How to Apply for AHD Pune Recruitment 2023

  • The application for the above posts has to be done online.
  • Detailed application submission instructions are available at www.ahd.maharashtra.gov.in.
  • The online link will continue till 6.00 PM on the last date of filling the application form on 11/06/2023.
  • After that the link will be closed. Therefore, it will be the responsibility of the candidates to submit the application within the prescribed period.
  • The link to apply online is given below, apply before the last date. Commissioner of Animal Husbandry, State of Maharashtra, Pune-67 reserves the right to postpone, cancel, partially modify, change the total and cadre wise number of competitive examinations.
  • Also, the above total posts are to be filled up to 15.08.2023 and after the announcement of the selection list of eligible candidates, the Commissioner of Animal Husbandry, Maharashtra State, Pune-67 will be competent to issue orders of first appointment to the posts available to the candidates in order of merit.
  • No claim can be made in this regard.
  • Also, if the qualified candidate of the indicated parallel reservation is not available, he/she will be considered for other qualified candidates in the reserved category as per the rules prescribed by the Government.
  • For more information please see the given PDF advertisement.

Selection Process in Pashusavardhan vibhag Pune Vacancy 2023

  • The selection process for the above posts will be through interviews.
  • Candidates should attend the interview at the given address on the respective date.
  • Interested and eligible candidates should appear for the interview with the necessary documents.
  • Interview date, and time, you will be informed soon by phone and your e-mail id.
  • For more information please read the given PDF advertisement.

⏰ All Important Dates of Pashusavardhan Vibhag Career 2023

⏰Online Link open from :
27th May 2023
⏰ Last date to apply For Other Post  :
16th June 2023

Important Link of Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2023

PDF  ADVERTISEMENT -Short Advertisement
PDF  ADVERTISEMENT (complete advertisement)
ONLINE APPLY LINK (Apply till 16th june 2023)

AHD Bharti 2023 – Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2023 latest updates is that the 1159 posts of Livestock Supervisors and 293 posts of Livestock Development Officers have been approved to be filled on temporary basis through external sources. According to the statement given by Minister Radhakrishna Vikhe-Patil on 20th March 2023 regarding the AHD Recruitment 2023, Maharashtra Public Service Commission has published an advertisement for filling up 56 vacant posts of Assistant Commissioner Animal Husbandry (Group-A) and 298 vacant posts of Livestock Development Officer (Group-A) through direct service. It is envisaged to fill up the said vacancies after the selection is made and the recommendation is received by the department. Government decision to fill 1159 posts of Livestock Supervisors (State level 286 and Zilla Parishad level 873) and 293 posts of Livestock Development Officers through external sources as a matter of necessity in the background of lumpy skin disease outbreak in the state. Approved vide 16/09/2022. Also, in the Amrit Jubilee year of Independence, as restrictions on recruitment have been relaxed, it is envisaged to fill Group-C category vacancies through fresh recruitment.

श्री. राधाकृष्ण विखे-पाटील (२०-०२-२०२३) : (१), (२), (३) व (४) अंशत: खरे आहे.
महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगामार्फत सहायक आयुक्त पशुसंवर्धन (गट-अ) संवर्गाची ५६ रिक्त पदे आणि पशुधन विकास अधिकारी (गट-अ) संवर्गाची २९८ रिक्त पदे सरळसेवेने भरण्याबाबत जाहिरात प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आली असून, लोकसेवा आयोगाद्वारे उमेदवारांची निवड होवून विभागास शिफारस प्राप्त झाल्यानंतर त्याद्वारे सदरहू रिक्त पदे भरण्याचे संकल्पित आहे. राज्यात उद्भवलेल्या लम्पी चर्मरोग प्रादुर्भावाच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर अत्यावश्यक बाब म्हणून पशुधन पर्यवेक्षकांची ११५९ पदे (राज्यस्तर २८६ व जिल्हा परिषदस्तर ८७३) आणि पशुधन विकास अधिकाऱ्यांची २९३ पदे बाह्य स्त्रोतांद्वारे तात्पुरत्या स्वरुपात भरण्यास शासन निर्णय दि. १६/०९/२०२२ अन्वये मान्यता देण्यात आलेली आहे. तसेच स्वातंत्र्याच्या अमृत महोत्सवी वर्षामध्ये पदभरतीवरील निर्बंध शिथील करण्यात आल्यामुळे नवीन पदभरतीद्वारे गट- क संवर्गातील रिक्त पदे भरण्याचे संकल्पित आहे.

Qualification Wise Jobs:- शैक्षणिक अहर्तेनुसार जॉब्स शोधा

✅ १०वी पास उमदेवारांसाठी जॉब्स (10th Pass Jobs) १२वी पास उमदेवारांसाठी जॉब्स (12th Pass Jobs)
बँक जॉब्स (Bank Jobs) सरंक्षण विभागात नोकरी (Jobs in Defence)
इंजिनियर जॉब्स (अभियंता) (Engineers Jobs) फ्रेशर्स जॉब्स (Jobs For Freshers)
सरकारी जॉब्स (Government Jobs) आयटीआय पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (ITI Jobs)
पॉलिटेक्निक पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (Poly Jobs) प्रायव्हेट जॉब्स (Private Jobs)
मेडिकल स्टाफ जॉब्स (Medical Jobs) MBA पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (MBA Jobs)
ग्रॅजुएट उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (Graduate Jobs) पोस्ट ग्रॅजुएट उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (PG Jobs)
रेल्वे जॉब्स (Railway Jobs) स्कुल जॉब्स (School Jobs)
टीचर्स जॉब्स (Teachers Jobs)

District Wise Jobs:- जिल्ह्याप्रमाणे जॉब्स शोधा

✅ अहमदनगर (Jobs in Ahmednagar) अकोला (Jobs in Akola)
अमरावती (Jobs in Amravati) औरंगाबाद (Jobs in Aurangabad)
बीड (Jobs in Beed) भंडारा (Jobs in Bhandara)
बुलढाणा (Jobs in Buldhana) चंद्रपूर (Jobs in Chandrapur)
धुळे (Jobs in Dhule) गडचिरोली (Jobs in Gadchiroli)
गोंदिया (Jobs in Gondia) हिंगोली (Jobs in Hingoli)
जळगाव (Jobs in Jalgaon) जालना (Jobs in Jalna)
कोल्हापूर (Jobs in Kolhapur) लातूर (Jobs in Latur)
मुंबई (Jobs in Mumbai) नागपूर (Jobs in Nagpur)
नांदेड (Jobs in Nanded) नंदुरबार (Jobs in Nandurbar)
नाशिक (Jobs in Nashik) उस्मानाबाद (Jobs in Osmanabad)
परभणी (Jobs in Parbhani) पुणे (Jobs in Pune)
पालघर (Jobs in Palghar) रत्नागिरी (Jobs in Ratnagiri)
✅ रायगड (Job in Raigad) सातारा (Jobs in Satara)
सिंधुदुर्ग (Jobs in Sindhudurg) सोलापूर (Jobs in Solapur)
सांगली (Jobs in Sangli) ठाणे (Jobs in Thane)
वर्धा (Jobs in Wardha) वाशीम (Jobs in Washim)
यवतमाळ (Jobs in Yavatamal)
  1. Admin says

    Pashusavardhan Vibhag Bharti 2023 Latest update

  2. Admin says

    Latest GR Given here

  3. Pavannagve says








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