NHM मुंबई भरती विविध रिक्त पदांची पात्र व अपात्र यादी – NHM Mumbai Results 2023

NHM Mumbai Results 2023

NHM Rashtriya Arogya Abhiyan Maharashtra Mumbai Schedule regarding document verification of candidates selected under NUHM are given below.

Other Important Recruitment  

समाज कल्याण भरती परीक्षेचे वेळापत्रक, प्रवेशपत्र उपलब्ध..!
सार्वजनिक आरोग्य विभागात लवकरच नवीन भरतीला सुरुवात..!
लाडक्या बहिणीसाठी आनंदाची बातमी! जाणून घ्या..!
PDKV मध्ये ५२९ रिक्त पदांची भरती जाहीर, अर्ज करा..!
महाजनको तंत्रज्ञ ३ पदाच्या 800 रिक्त जागेची भरती सुरु..!
तलाठी २४७१ रिक्त पदांची भरती लवकरच अपेक्षित, वाचा माहिती..!
भूमी अभिलेख २५२८ पदे रिक्त लवकरच भरती अपेक्षित..!
“पोलीस भरती” कागदपत्रे 2025

आज प्रकाशित झालेल्या न्युज, प्रवेश पत्र, निकाल इ.

सर्व सरकारी योजना, लाभ, अर्ज आणि कागतपत्रांची यादी

📥 व्हाट्सअँप चॅनल जॉईन करा!

महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व सरकारी जॉब्स, निकाल, परीक्षेचे वेळापत्रक मोबाईलॲप डाउनलोड करा..!

एनयुएचएम अंतर्गत निवड झालेल्या उमेदवारांच्या कागद पडताळणी बाबत वेळापत्रक…!

DV Schedule

NHM Rashtriya Arogya Abhiyan Maharashtra Mumbai Advertisement of Eligible and Ineligible List of Various Vacancies at State and Circle Levels Dated 18 October 2022

राष्ट्रीय आरोग्य अभियान महाराष्ट्र मुंबई अंत‍र्गत राज्‍यस्‍तरावरील व परिमंडळस्‍तरावरील विविध रिक्त पदांची पात्र व अपात्र यादी जाहिरात दि १८ ऑक्टोबर २०२२

List of Eligible Candidates

NHM Mumbai Bharti -Interview Schedule

NHM Mumbai Result 2022 – NHM Mumbai has recently Released the List for the posts of Program Manager, Specialist Microbiologist Posts. National Health Mission has released the time table for interview as per advertisement issued in a Month of February 2022, below is a list of Interview schedule for different posts from  23, 24th and 25th September 2022. Check below NHM Mumbai Interview schedule and if you have applied for various posts, you can attend interview on given dates and time. NHM Mumbai also announced Accepted and Rejected list for the posts of Monitoring & Evaluation Statistical Officer. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their results from the given link.

NHM Mumbai Bharti -Interview Schedule

NHM Mumbai Result 2022 – National Health Mission has released the time table for interview as per advertisement issued in a Month of February 2022, below is a list of Interview schedule for different posts from 22, 23 and 25th August 2022. Check below NHM Mumbai Interview schedule and if you have applied for various posts, you can attend interview on given dates and time.

NHM Released Results For Various Posts

NHM Mumbai Recruitment Results: National Health Mission Mumbai has recently announced the Selection list and waiting list for the vraious Posts. Applicants those who applied for these posts may check their selection list from the direct link. 

 NHM Various Results Check Here

NHM Mumbai Results- Document Verification

NHM Mumbai Result 2021 – National Health Mission has released the results for the post of Program Assistant -DEO (General) Posts. Applicants who eligible for the documents verification for these posts can now bring their applications for documents verification on 26th August 2021 to the given address.

NHM Mumbai Results- Document Verification

NHM Mumbai Result 2021 – National Health Mission has released the results for the post of Program Assistant -DEO, Program Assistant Statistics Posts. Applicants who eligible for the documents verification for these posts can now bring their applications for documents verification on 24th and 25th August to the given address.

NHM Mumbai Interview Schedule

NHM Mumbai Result 2021 – National Health Mission has released then time table for interview as per advertisement issued in a Month of May and December 2021, below is a list of Interview schedule for different posts from 7th July 2021 to 9th July 2021. Check below NHM Mumbai Interview schedule and if you have applied for various posts, you can attend interview on given dates and time

NHM Mumbai Interview Schedule Download PDF here

NHM Mumbai Results

NHM Mumbai Recruitment Results – As per the State Health Society Mumbai published the Interview list for the various posts. Applicants who applied for these posts may attend the interview. The date and time and place of the interview Your email address will be sent before the interview.

NHM Mumbai Interview List

NHM Program Manager Selection List

NHM Mumbai Recruitment Results: National Health Mission Mumbai has recently announced the Selection list for the posts of Program Manager Posts. Applicants those who applied for these posts may check their selection list from the direct link. 

Download Program Manager Selection List

NHM Mumbai Result 2021 – National Health Mission Mumbai has issued Calculation of various posts. Applicants who applied for given posts may check their results from the given link

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result: National Health Mission has released the List of reply to objection and Calculation Of Marks of Eligible for various posts.  

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result: National Health Mission has released the List of reply to objection for various posts. 

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result: National Health Mission has released the List of reply to objection for various posts. 

NHM Mumbai Rejected and Accepted List

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result: National Health Mission has released the List of candidates accepted and rejected for the various Posts. The below list is provisional based on the information submitted by the candidates and subject to verification at the time of interview/posting or at any time. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their list form the given link. 

NHM Mumbai Rejected and Accepted List

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result: National Health Mission has released the List of candidates accepted and rejected for the post of Medical Officer, Bio Medical Engineer, Nodal Officer. The below list is provisional based on the information submitted by the candidates and subject to verification at the time of interview/posting or at any time. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their list form the given link. 

NHM Mumbai Rejected and Accepted List

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result: National Health Mission has released the List of candidates accepted and rejected for the post of Medical Officer, Bio Medical Engineer, Nodal Officer. The below list is provisional based on the information submitted by the candidates and subject to verification at the time of interview/posting or at any time. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their list form the given link. 

NHM Mumbai Rejected and Accepted List

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result: National Health Mission has released the List of candidates accepted and rejected for the post of State Programme Manager Ayush, Consultant, Statistical Officer, Accounts Manager, Epidemiologist. The below list is provisional based on the information submitted by the candidates and subject to verification at the time of interview/posting or at any time. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their list form the given link. 

NHM DPM Selection List

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result: This is in reference to the interview process held on 11th November 2020. National Health Mission has released the selected List and Not Selected List for the Posts of District Programm Manager. Those candidates who may attend the interview may check their selection list from the given link.


NHM Mumbai Public Health Manager Final Eligibility  List

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result: National Health Mission Maharashtra has recently released the Public Health Manage Accepted Final list. Those candidates who may apply for these posts may check their list from the given link.

Check PHM Final Eligible List

NHM DPM Result 2020

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result: National Health Mission Maharashtra has published a List of Accepted Candidate of interview for the post of District Program Manager. Download – Interview list of District Program Manager Recruitment Examination under National Health Mission Maharashtra . The date of the interview is 11 November 2020. Click on the link below to download the list.

जिल्हा कार्यक्रम व्यवस्थापक पदासाठी मुलाखतीच्या स्वीकृत उमेदवाराची यादी

National Health Mission Mumbai has released Eligible and Ineligible List for the posts of Public Health Manager. Those candidates may apply for these posts may check their list form the given link.   If any objection or queries released with list candidates may contact at [email protected] before 1st October 2020.

NHM Mumbai Bharti Eligible and Ineligible List 

National Health Mission Mumbai has released a result Of Deputy Engineer. This result has been published on the basis of interview held on 11/07/2020, 14/07/2020 & 15/07/2020 Candidates who have attended interview can check their selection from the below list:

NHM Deputy Engineer Results

National Health Mission Mumbai has released a result Of IT Manager and Telemedicine Facility Manager. This result has been published on the basis of interview held on 18th July 2020. Candidates who have attend interview can check their selection from below list:

NHM Mumbai IT Manager Results

NHM Mumbai Telemedicine Bharti Results

NHM Mumbai Bharti Results

NHM Mumbai Result – National Health Mission has declared results candidates list are given below. Eligible candidates list is given for the posts of IT Manager, Facility Manager Posts. If any, the rejected candidates are requested to report their objections and queries by 12:00 PM 17th July  June 2020. 

IT Manager List

Facility Manager

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result

NHM Mumbai Result – National Health Mission has declared results candidates list are given below. Eligible candidates list is given for the posts of Stenographer Marathi/English, Candidates who was attend the Walk-in-interview which was held on 6th July 2020 they check their results from below given link.

स्टेनोग्राफर इंग्रजी व मराठी पदाचा निकाल

NHM Mumbai Deputy Engineer Bharti Results

NHM Mumbai Result – NHM Recruitment Results and eligible and non-eligible candidates list are given below. Eligible candidates list is given for the posts of Deputy Engineer Posts. If any, the rejected candidates are requested to report their objections and queries by 5:00 PM 8th June 2020 at [email protected], no objection or query shall be entertained after that.

Click Here For DP Results

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result

NHM Mumbai Result – NHM Recruitment Results and eligible and non-eligible candidates list are given below. Eligible candidates list is given for the posts of Stenographer Marathi/English, Candidates who are eligible for the Walk-in-interview which will be held on 6th July 2020 they check their results from below given link.

Stenographer Marathi and English या पदांची पात्र व अपात्र उमेदवारांची यादी व मुलाखतीबाबत सूचना

NHM Mumbai POP Interview Results

NHM Mumbai Result – National Health Mission Mumbai has released the Interview Results which was conduct on 21st April 2020 for the Posts of Programme Officer-Procurement. Applicants who appear for the interview may check their results from the given below link.

Check Results Here

NHM Mumbai POP Bharti Result

NHM Mumbai Result – NHM Recruitment Results and eligible and non-eligible candidates list are given below. Eligible candidates list are given for the posts of IPHS Coordinator and District Quality Assurance Coordinator, Candidates who are eligible for the Walk in interview which will be held on 20th April 2020 they check their results from below-given link. For the Interview address, candidates check their given link.

Check Eligibility List Here

NHM Maharashtra CHO Result 2020 – Answer key & Exam Result Released

NHM Mumbai Result – National Health Mission (NHM), Maharashtra has released answer key & exam result for the posts of Community Health Officer (CHO). Applicants who applied for the recruitment process may check the Answer key and Results  for the recruitment process from following link. Candidates check their name from below attached Pdf file. Keep visit on our website for the further updates.



NHM Mumbai Result

NHM Mumbai Result – NHM Result of the Post Junior engineer, Pharmacist/Procurement Assistant, Statistician & Statistical Investigator is declared now. Walk in interview results for NHM Recruitment for above post is published by NRHM For NHM Mumbai Result. Candidates check their name from below attached Pdf file. Keep visit on our website for the further updates.

click here for results

NHM Mumbai Bharti Result

NHM Mumbai Result – NHM Recruitment Results and eligible and non eligible candidates list are given below. Eligible candidates list are given for the posts of IPHS Coordinator and District Quality Assurance Coordinator, Candidates who are eligible for the Walk in interview which will be held on 31st December 2018 they check their results from below given link.

NHM Walk in Schedule :

NHM Mumbai Bharti Results

 Lists of Eligible & Non Eligible Candidates – IPHS Coordinator

 Lists of Eligible & Non Eligible Candidates – District Quality Assurance Coordinator

NHM Recruitment Results 2018 given below. Eligible candidates list are given for the posts of District Programme Manager, Junior Engineer, Pharmacist, Statistical Investigator, Statistician, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and Deputy Engineer etc., Candidates who are eligible for the Walk in interview which will be held on 4th December 2018 they check their results from below given link.

NHM Bharti 2018 Walk in Schedule

NHM Recruitment 2018 Results selection lists

NHM Mumbai Eligible Candidates Lists

Qualification Wise Jobs:- शैक्षणिक अहर्तेनुसार जॉब्स शोधा

✅ १०वी पास उमदेवारांसाठी जॉब्स (10th Pass Jobs) १२वी पास उमदेवारांसाठी जॉब्स (12th Pass Jobs)
बँक जॉब्स (Bank Jobs) सरंक्षण विभागात नोकरी (Jobs in Defence)
इंजिनियर जॉब्स (अभियंता) (Engineers Jobs) फ्रेशर्स जॉब्स (Jobs For Freshers)
सरकारी जॉब्स (Government Jobs) आयटीआय पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (ITI Jobs)
पॉलिटेक्निक पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (Poly Jobs) प्रायव्हेट जॉब्स (Private Jobs)
मेडिकल स्टाफ जॉब्स (Medical Jobs) MBA पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (MBA Jobs)
ग्रॅजुएट उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (Graduate Jobs) पोस्ट ग्रॅजुएट उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (PG Jobs)
रेल्वे जॉब्स (Railway Jobs) स्कुल जॉब्स (School Jobs)
टीचर्स जॉब्स (Teachers Jobs)

District Wise Jobs:- जिल्ह्याप्रमाणे जॉब्स शोधा

✅ अहमदनगर (Jobs in Ahmednagar) अकोला (Jobs in Akola)
अमरावती (Jobs in Amravati) औरंगाबाद (Jobs in Aurangabad)
बीड (Jobs in Beed) भंडारा (Jobs in Bhandara)
बुलढाणा (Jobs in Buldhana) चंद्रपूर (Jobs in Chandrapur)
धुळे (Jobs in Dhule) गडचिरोली (Jobs in Gadchiroli)
गोंदिया (Jobs in Gondia) हिंगोली (Jobs in Hingoli)
जळगाव (Jobs in Jalgaon) जालना (Jobs in Jalna)
कोल्हापूर (Jobs in Kolhapur) लातूर (Jobs in Latur)
मुंबई (Jobs in Mumbai) नागपूर (Jobs in Nagpur)
नांदेड (Jobs in Nanded) नंदुरबार (Jobs in Nandurbar)
नाशिक (Jobs in Nashik) उस्मानाबाद (Jobs in Osmanabad)
परभणी (Jobs in Parbhani) पुणे (Jobs in Pune)
पालघर (Jobs in Palghar) रत्नागिरी (Jobs in Ratnagiri)
✅ रायगड (Job in Raigad) सातारा (Jobs in Satara)
सिंधुदुर्ग (Jobs in Sindhudurg) सोलापूर (Jobs in Solapur)
सांगली (Jobs in Sangli) ठाणे (Jobs in Thane)
वर्धा (Jobs in Wardha) वाशीम (Jobs in Washim)
यवतमाळ (Jobs in Yavatamal)
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