MPSC PSI मर्यादित विभागीय स्पर्धात्मक मुख्य परीक्षा २०२३ – अंतिम आन्सर कि उपलब्ध – MPSC PSI Exam Result
MPSC PSI Exam Result, Final Merit List
MPSC Police Sub Inspector Limited Departmental Competitive Main Examination 2023 – Final Answer Key is available now.
1 | 047/2024 | Advt. No. 047/2024 Police Sub Inspector Limited Departmental Competitive Main Examination 2023 – Final Answer Key | 20-02-2025 | Click Here |
As per the latest update regarding MPSC PSI Interview schedule is that the interviews for the post of 374 police sub-inspectors in the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) Joint Examination Group-B- 2023 were stalled for several months. The physical test of the candidates was conducted one year after the main examination. However, the non-announcement of the interview schedule had raised concerns among the candidates. The commission finally announced the schedule On Monday. Interviews are scheduled for Feb. 11-14.
The delay in various MPSC exams has created a mountain of problems for the students. In the combined examination-2023, 374 police sub-inspector posts were included for other posts. However, after interviewing for all other posts, candidates also got appointments. However, the candidates complained of constant delay by the Commission for every examination for the post of police sub-inspector. The combined preliminary examination was conducted in April 2023. The main exam was held in November 2023. The physical test for the post of police sub-inspector was delayed.
पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक पदांच्या मुलाखतीचे वेळापत्रक अखेर जाहीर
महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगाच्या (एमपीएससी) संयुक्त परीक्षा गट-ब- २०२३ मधील ३७४ पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक पदाच्या मुलाखती अनेक महिन्यांपासून रखडल्या होत्या. मुख्य परीक्षेच्या एका वर्षानंतर उमेदवारांची शारीरिक चाचणी घेण्यात आली. परंतु, मुलाखतीचे वेळापत्रक जाहीर न झाल्याने उमेदवारांची चिंता वाढली होती. अखेर आयोगाने सोमवारी वेळापत्रक जाहीर केले. ११ ते १४ फेब्रुवारी दरम्यान मुलाखती होणार आहेत.
‘एमपीएससी’च्या विविध परीक्षांना होणाऱ्या विलंबामुळे विद्यार्थ्यांसमोर अडचणींचा डोंगर उभा आहे. संयुक्त परीक्षा-२०२३ मध्ये इतर पदांसाठी ३७४ पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक पदांचा समावेश होता. परंतु, इतर सर्व पदांच्या मुलाखतीनंतर उमेदवारांना नियुक्तीही मिळाली. परंतु, पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक पदाच्या प्रत्येक परीक्षेसाठी आयोगाकडून कायम विलंब होत असल्याची उमेदवारांची तक्रार होती. संयुक्त पूर्व परीक्षा ही एप्रिल २०२३ मध्ये घेण्यात आली. त्यानंतर नोव्हेंबर २०२३ ला मुख्य परीक्षा घेण्यात आली. यातील पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक पदासाठी होणाऱ्या शारीरिक चाचणीमध्ये विलंब झाला.
MPSC PSI Police Sub Inspector Main Exam 2022 Eligible candidates list and Phase 1 interview schedule declared now. Candidates see the below given attachment.
- Adv.No.036/2023 Maharashtra Subordinate Services Group B Main Examination 2022- Police Sub Inspector –Announcement regarding Interview Schedule
- Adv.No.036/2023 Maharashtra Subordinate Services Group B Main Examination 2022- Police Sub Inspector – Interview Schedule -Phase 1
MPSC PSI Police Sub Inspector Main Exam 2022 Final Recommendation ListReleased by MPSC .
MPSC PSI Police Sub Inspector Main Exam 2020 Final Merit List Released by MPSC .
260/2021 | Advt.No. 260/2021 – MAHARASHTRA SUBORDINATE SERVICES, GR-B MAIN EXAMINATION – 2020 – Police Sub Inspector –Final Merit List (Revised) | 28-12-2023 |
MPSC PSI Main Exam Results
MPSC PSI Exam Result declared now – The provisional selection list for the post of Police Sub-Inspector under the Maharashtra Secondary Services Non-Gazetted Group ‘B’ Main Examination 2020 conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) was finally released on Tuesday. However, the result of 65 posts has been reserved. Sunil Kachkad has secured the first position in the state, Nirmal Kumar Bhosale has secured the second position and Ganesh Jadhav has secured the third position. Candidates have been asked to opt out of the recruitment process. July 5 is the deadline for that. Read the more details given below:
पीएसआयची तात्पुरती निवड यादी जाहीर – एमपीएससी: ऑप्टिंग आउटसाठी ५ जुलैची मुदत
महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगातर्फे (एमपीएससी) घेण्यात आलेल्या महाराष्ट्र दुय्यम सेवा अराजपत्रित गट ‘ब’ मुख्य परीक्षा २०२० अंतर्गत पोलिस उपनिरीक्षक पदाची तात्पुरती निवड यादी अखेर मंगळवारी जाहीर करण्यात आली. मात्र, ६५ पदांचा निकाल राखीव ठेवण्यात आला आहे.
सुनील कचकड यांनी राज्यात पहिला क्रमांक पटकावला असून, निर्मलकुमार भोसले यांनी दुसरा, तर गणेश जाधव यांनी तिसरा क्रमांक मिळवला आहे. उमेदवारांकडून भरती प्रक्रियेतून बाहेर पडण्याचा (ऑप्टिंग आऊट) पर्याय मागवण्यात आला आहे. त्यासाठी ५ जुलै अंतिम मुदत आहे.
गुणवत्ताक्रम बदलू शकतो
- ■ निवड यादी तात्पुरत्या स्वरुपाची असून, उमेदवारांच्या अर्जामधील विविध दाव्यांच्या अनुषंगाने अंतिम निकालापूर्वी कागदपत्रे, प्रमाणपत्रांची पडताळणीअंती काही उमेदवारांच्या दाव्यांमध्ये, शिफारसींमध्ये फरक पड्डू शकतो. त्यामुळे उमेदवारांचा गुणवत्ताक्रम बदलू शकतो. उमेदवार अपात्र ठरु शकतो, असे स्पष्ट करण्यात आले.
- ■ तसेच आर्थिकदृष्ट्या दुर्बल घटक आरक्षणाच्या अनुषंगाने उच्च न्यायालयात दाखल न्यायिक प्रकरणातील न्यायालयाचे आदेश विचारात घेऊन या प्रवर्गासाठी राखीव पदांचा निकाल
MPSC PSI Exam Results: As per the Advertisement No. 052/2022, Maharashtra Public Service Commission has announced the Merit and Selection List for POLICE SUB INSPECTOR LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL MAIN EXAMINATION – 2021. Eligible applicants who attend the exam may check their selection and waiting list from the given link
MPSC PSI Exam Results: Maharashtra Public Service Commission has announced the list of qualified candidates for POLICE SUB INSPECTOR LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL GR-B MAIN EXAMINATION – 2020 of Physical Test. The list of names and with the Roll numbers of the candidates who have qualified for Physical Test has been published on the website of the Commission Applicants who applied for these posts may check their list form the given link
जाहिरात क्रमांक 260/2021 पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक मर्यादित विभागीय स्पर्धा मुख्य परीक्षा 2020 चा निकाल आयोगाच्या संकेतस्थळावर प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आला आहे.
Adv.No.52/2022 Police Sub-Inspector Limited Departmental Competitive Main Examination 2020-Result
MPSC PSI Main Exam Results
MPSC PSI Exam Results: Maharashtra Public Service Commission has announced the list of qualified candidates for POLICE SUB INSPECTOR LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL MAIN EXAMINATION – 2021 of Physical Test. The list of names and with the Roll numbers of the candidates who have qualified for Physical Test has been published on the website of the Commission Applicants who applied for these posts may check their list form the given link
जाहिरात क्रमांक 52/2022 पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक मर्यादित विभागीय स्पर्धा मुख्य परीक्षा 2021 चा निकाल आयोगाच्या संकेतस्थळावर प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आला आहे.
Adv.No.52/2022 Police Sub-Inspector Limited Departmental Competitive Main Examination 2021-Result
MPSC PSI Pre Exam Results
MPSC PSI Exam Results: Maharashtra Public Service Commission has announced the results of the candidates who are eligible for the main examination from the Sub-Inspector of Police Limited Divisional Pre-Examination-2021 organized on Saturday 16th April, 2022. The list of names and marks along with the Roll numbers of the candidates who have qualified in the pre-examination for the present post has been published on the website of the Commission Applicants who applied for these posts may check their list form the given link
जाहिरात क्रमांक 10/2022 पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक मर्यादित विभागीय स्पर्धा पूर्व परीक्षा 2021 चा निकाल आयोगाच्या संकेतस्थळावर प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आला आहे.
MPSC PSI Revised Merit List
MPSC PSI Exam Results: Maharashtra Public Service Commission has released the Revised Merit list for Maharashtra subordinate Main Examination 2019. MPSC released the Revised Merit List. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their merit list from the given link.
महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगामार्फत (Maharashtra Public Service Commission) महाराष्ट्र दुय्यम सेवा अराजपत्रित, गट ब मुख्य परीक्षा २०१९ (Maharashtra Secondary Service Non-Gazetted, Group B Main Examination 2019) मधील पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक (Sub-Inspector of Police) संवर्गाच्या एकूण ४९६ पदांपैकी ४९४ पदांचा अंतिम निकाल जाहीर करण्यात आला आहे.
MPSC Police sub Inspector Bharti -Merit List
MPSC PSI Merit List
Maharashtra Public Service Commission has released the Merit list for Maharashtra subordinate Main Examination 2019. MPSC released the general Merit List. Applicants who applied for these posts may check their merit list from the given link.
MPSC Police sub Inspector Bharti -Merit List
MPSC Police Sub Inspector Exam 2016 Waiting List
Maharashtra Public Service Commission has released the list of eligible candidates for recommendation for through waiting list for sub – Inspector. Waiting list of the eligible applicants for recommendation are given in the following link. This waiting list of eligible applicants is declared as per the advertisement no. 41/2017. List of waiting list of the shortlists applicants is generated from following cut off marks. In the waiting list there is list of applicants who eligible for recommendation for recruitment for the posts are given in below link. Check the MPSC Police Sub Inspector Exam 2016 Waiting List from below :-
MPSC Police Sub Inspector Exam 2017 Waiting List
Maharashtra Public Service Commission has released the list of eligible candidates for recommendation for through waiting list for sub – Inspector. Waiting list of the eligible applicants for recommendation are given in the following link. This waiting list of eligible applicants is declared as per the advertisement no. 66/2017. List of waiting list of the shortlists applicants is generated from following cut off marks. In the waiting list there is list of applicants who eligible for recommendation for recruitment for the posts are given in below link. Check the MPSC Police Sub Inspector Exam 2017 Waiting List from below :-
Check MPSC Police Sub Inspector Exam 2017 Waiting List Here
MPSC PSI Mains Result 2019
MPSC PSI Result 2019: Maharashtra Public Service Commission released Maharashtra Subordinate Services’ main Exam advertisement no 8/2019 result on 2nd March 2020. As per the declared result for this examination following is the list of the qualified applicants. Candidates who are appeared for this exam can check their results from the following given link :
MPSC PSI Bharti 2018 PT & Interview Schedule
Maharashtra Public Service Commission is going to conduct Physical Test & Interview examinations for recruitment to the eligible applicants. Applicants who eligible from Maharashtra Subordinate Service Group – B Main Exam 2018, such eligible applicants can bring their applications for physical test & interview process. Such eligible applicants Physical Test & Interview is schedule from 16th December 2019 to 16th January 2020 at Aurangabad, Nashik & Pune locations as per the given timings. Check MPSC PSI Bharti 2019 PT & Interview schedule from below : –
MPSC Subordinate Service PT Interview Schedule
check MPSC PSI Bharti 2018 PT & Interview Schedule here
MPSC PSI Main Exam 2018 Result
MPSC Duyyam Seva Main Exam Interview Schedule
MPSC Result 2019 : Maharashtra Public Service Commission declared Maharashtra Subordinate Services main Exam 2018 result on 18th March 2019. As per the declared result for this examination following is the list of the eligible applicants are eligible for the interview & physical test process. Such eligible applicants are need to bring their applications for interview. Interview process of the eligible applicants is schedule on 6th, 7th at Mumbai location & on 11th & 13th to 16th November 2019 at Amravati location at below given address.
MPSC PSI Main Exam Result
Maharashtra Public Service Commission declared Police Sub Inspector Main Exam 2016 examinations result on 20th June 2018. For this examinations petition was filled in high court. As per this the revised MPSC Police Sub Inspector (Main) Exam 2016 conduct on 25th June 2017, result is declared on 12th April 2019. As per this marks obtain by the applicants in the examinations is declared here. Applicants who applied for the examinations can now check the revised examinations result by using following link : –
Check MPSC PSI Main Exam Result HEre
MPSC PSI Main Exam Result
MPSC declared the result for recruitment to the Police Sub Inspector (Main) Examination 2018 as on 18th March 2019. List of qualified applicants for recruitment to the posts is given in the following link. MPSC conduct the Police Sub Inspector Main Examination 2018 on 26th August 2018 & on 2nd September 2018. Advertisement no for the notification published for this is 33/2018. Applicants who applied for the examinations can now check their examinations result by using following link. Applicants roll no. qualified from the examinations is given in the following link.
Applicants who want to raise their objection against the result can be apply to this by using login details with in 10 days of declaration of the result. Check MPSC PSI Main Examination Result from below : –
Check MPSC PSI Main Examination 2018 Result Here
MPSC PSI Main Exam 2017 Result
Maharashtra Public Service Commission conduct Police Sub Inspector Main examinations 2017 for recruitment to the 650 posts on 5th November 2017. For recruitment to the posts documents verification was conduct as per the schedule. Result of this examinations is now declared here. Applicants who applied for the recruitment examinations can now check their examinations result by using following link. List of marks obtain by the applicants in the examinations can be check from following link : –
MPSC PSI Main Exam 2017 Result Cut Off Marks
MPSC PSI Main Exam 2017 Result – Notification
Check MPSC PSI Main Exam 2017 Result Here
MPSC PSI Main Exam 2017 Additional Qualified Candidates, PT Schedule
Maharashtra Public Service Commission declare the list of eligible applicants additionally qualified candidates from Police Sub Inspector Main Examinations 2017. Roll no of the eligible applicants qualified from the recruitment process. Such additionally eligible applicants list is given in the following link. There are total 35 number of the eligible applicants for the recruitment process is given here. Such eligible applicants need to bring their applications for Physical Test & interview. Such eligible applicants need to bring their applications on 22nd February 2019 at given location.
MPSC Police Sub Inspector Main Exam Result, PT Schedule
Check MPSC Police Sub Inspector Main Exam 2017 List of Additionally Qualified Candidates Here
MPSC Police Sub Inspector Main Exam Result Notification
MPSC Police Sub Inspector Exam 2017 Waiting List
Maharashtra Public Service Commission has released the list of eligible candidates for recommendation for through waiting list for sub – Inspector. Waiting list of the eligible applicants for recommendation are given in the following link. This waiting list of eligible applicants are declared as per the advertisement no. 60/2017. List of waiting list of the shortlists applicants is generated from following cut off marks. In the waiting list there is list of applicants who eligible for recommendation for recruitment for the posts are given in below link. Check the MPSC Police Sub Inspector Exam 2017 Waiting List from below :-
Check MPSC Police Sub Inspector Exam 2017 Waiting List Here
MPSC Police Sub Inspector Main Examinations 2017 – Answer Key
Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) released answer keys for the posts of Public Sub Inspector Limited Departmental Main examinations 2017. This exam was held on 24th December 2017 on two papers that is paper 1 & paper 2. For more details about this candidates can visit to official website On 20th February 2018 MPSC declared this answer keys having correct answers for all sets for paper 1 & paper 2. Candidates can check their results from following link.