Mahapariksha.Gov.In – MahaPariksha Online Examination Portal

Mahapariksha- महापरीक्षा MahaPariksha Online Examination Portal

Mahapariksha.Gov.In – Maharashtra State Mega Recruitment is going on as per the announcement. The various recruitment advertisements released for recruitment to the various department on Mahapariksha portal. These recruitment advertisement are listed in the below link. Detailed Notification along with all necessary information regarding the recruitment process is as given below. MahaPariksha (महापरीक्षा) Portal Online registration process is given here. We will keep adding the Latest Maharashtra Bharti details here.

Other Important Recruitment  

समाज कल्याण भरती परीक्षेचे वेळापत्रक, प्रवेशपत्र उपलब्ध..!
सार्वजनिक आरोग्य विभागात लवकरच नवीन भरतीला सुरुवात..!
लाडक्या बहिणीसाठी आनंदाची बातमी! जाणून घ्या..!
PDKV मध्ये ५२९ रिक्त पदांची भरती जाहीर, अर्ज करा..!
महाजनको तंत्रज्ञ ३ पदाच्या 800 रिक्त जागेची भरती सुरु..!
तलाठी २४७१ रिक्त पदांची भरती लवकरच अपेक्षित, वाचा माहिती..!
भूमी अभिलेख २५२८ पदे रिक्त लवकरच भरती अपेक्षित..!
“पोलीस भरती” कागदपत्रे 2025

आज प्रकाशित झालेल्या न्युज, प्रवेश पत्र, निकाल इ.

सर्व सरकारी योजना, लाभ, अर्ज आणि कागतपत्रांची यादी

📥 व्हाट्सअँप चॅनल जॉईन करा!

महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व सरकारी जॉब्स, निकाल, परीक्षेचे वेळापत्रक मोबाईलॲप डाउनलोड करा..!

~ सर्व जाहिराती ~ is bound to provide all details regarding the various recruitment process conducts in all over Maharashtra state & also in other state. The details regarding number of vacancies, qualifications, how to apply are given in every advertisement link along with official notification. Also for having practice regarding these mega recruitment process practice papers are also provided in the same advertisement link. Check all detailed information regarding the recruitment process by clicking on respective links  : –

महापरीक्षा पोर्टल अंतर्गत सुरु असलेल्या सर्व भरतीचा तपशील खलील प्रमाणे आहे. दिलेल्या लिंक्स वरुण आपन पूर्ण माहिती आणि अर्ज सादर करू शकता


Mahapariksha Recruitment exam Maharashtra State Mega Bharti 2022 Official सूचना Mahapariksha जाहिरात MahaPARIKSHA निकाल, उत्तरतालिका 2022 Latest Updates & News are given here.

Mahapariksha portal Online Recruitment 2022 For Various posts. The Mahapariksha Portal Bharti process details are given here. All updates & news about Mahapariksha Online Registration For various Bharti Process in Maharashtra are given here.

Konkan Agricultural Department asks to Tribal Development minister Vishnu Savra to close the Mahapariksha portal conduct the government recruitment examination process from offline way through district selection committee.

Mahapariksha Result 2022

महापरीक्षा भरती निकाल २०२२

Here we provide the all Mahapariksha Bharti 2022 Results. You can find results of the Recruitments under WRD, Forest Department, Revenue Department, Arogya Vibhag (Public Health Department), Gram Vikas Vibhag (Rural Development Department), Pashusavardhan Vibhag (Animal Husbandry Department), Jalsampada Vibhag (WRD Department), Police Department etc. Check the Result for the post of Constable, Clerk, Group C, Talathi, Forest Guard, Jr. Engineer etc under Maha Police, WRD, ZP, PWD etc Department through MahaPariksha Portal.

Mahapariksha Bharti Jahirat

MahaBharti Portal Online registration of the Various bharti process are given here. The respective details of the Mahabharti process is given here. All the respective details. All the respective links of Mahapariksha Portal are given here. https mahapariksha gov in is the online registration is given here.

MAHAPARIKSHA HALL TICKET – Mahapariksha Admit Cards & Results

MAHAPARIKSHA HALL TICKET Download, Results, Selection List, Merit List 2022 Updates

Mahapariksha Bharti 2019 Admit Cards & Results of various Examinations carried by Mahapariksha. are given here. We will keep updating latest details are given here.

There are so many error found in the examination conduct through the Mahapariksha portal. Therefore so many people future affects. There is no proper exam roll number wise seat arrangement of he students while conducting these examination. This result in to combines cheating in the examination. Also the effects of ‘Sectional’ & ‘Cut Off Normalization’ on this portal. After ending examination time, again students have to do online entry, by the students marks can be change.

In other government examination students are provided with there personal answer sheets, but this is not examination pattern of Mahapariksha, this states that the recruitment of mahapariksha is not transparent. With all of these faults, the people are asking to close the Mahapariksha portal.

MahaPariksha Portal Recruitment Processs

महापरीक्षा पोर्टल भरती प्रक्रिया 2022

What is Mahapariksha?

Mahapariksha is the New Concept by Maharashtra State Government, which will help the peoples to Manage all their Recruitment & Admission process through One single Web portal. Few Days Ago MahaDBT a New Scholarship portal is launched by Maharashtra State Government, this is the second valuable project by Maharashtra Government. Various Departments and field offices of the Government of Maharashtra conduct examinations for purposes of recruitment and entry to academic programs. At present, the actual conduct of the written examination is mostly done in manual mode using printed question papers where candidates mark their answers on an OMR sheet. The processes involved in conduct of these examinations are application management, issue of admit cards, scanning and evaluation of answer sheets, result preparation and merit list generation.

Concept of

Departments have expressed interest in automating this process and shifting to computer based examinations wherein examinations are conducted on a computer terminal. In a meeting held on 25th April 2016 chaired by Hon. Chief Minister, it has been decided that DIT must automate the process of conduct of examinations and develop a pan-State examination portal (Maha Pariksha) which will be used by all Departments and institutions. This portal should offer an end-to-end solution for conduct of examinations and result processing including a computer based test. This portal should also ensure that current issues faced in the conduct of examinations involving administrative challenges, infrastructure challenges and security challenges are effectively addressed.
Accordingly, a Detailed Project Report for Maha Pariksha project was prepared by Directorate of Information Technology with the following vision.

Vision of Mahapariksha

a) Development of a One-stop pan-State Examination Management Solution for all kinds of exams i.e. recruitment, entrance, regular academic examinations etc.
b) Automation of the complete examination process cycle.
c) Ensuring total transparency and accountability in exam process operations.
d) Minimizing workload of employees of concerned organizations.
e) Ensuring security of confidential data.
f) Publication of Zero error & timely results

More Details about

Qualification Wise Jobs:- शैक्षणिक अहर्तेनुसार जॉब्स शोधा

✅ १०वी पास उमदेवारांसाठी जॉब्स (10th Pass Jobs) १२वी पास उमदेवारांसाठी जॉब्स (12th Pass Jobs)
बँक जॉब्स (Bank Jobs) सरंक्षण विभागात नोकरी (Jobs in Defence)
इंजिनियर जॉब्स (अभियंता) (Engineers Jobs) फ्रेशर्स जॉब्स (Jobs For Freshers)
सरकारी जॉब्स (Government Jobs) आयटीआय पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (ITI Jobs)
पॉलिटेक्निक पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (Poly Jobs) प्रायव्हेट जॉब्स (Private Jobs)
मेडिकल स्टाफ जॉब्स (Medical Jobs) MBA पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (MBA Jobs)
ग्रॅजुएट उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (Graduate Jobs) पोस्ट ग्रॅजुएट उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (PG Jobs)
रेल्वे जॉब्स (Railway Jobs) स्कुल जॉब्स (School Jobs)
टीचर्स जॉब्स (Teachers Jobs)

District Wise Jobs:- जिल्ह्याप्रमाणे जॉब्स शोधा

✅ अहमदनगर (Jobs in Ahmednagar) अकोला (Jobs in Akola)
अमरावती (Jobs in Amravati) औरंगाबाद (Jobs in Aurangabad)
बीड (Jobs in Beed) भंडारा (Jobs in Bhandara)
बुलढाणा (Jobs in Buldhana) चंद्रपूर (Jobs in Chandrapur)
धुळे (Jobs in Dhule) गडचिरोली (Jobs in Gadchiroli)
गोंदिया (Jobs in Gondia) हिंगोली (Jobs in Hingoli)
जळगाव (Jobs in Jalgaon) जालना (Jobs in Jalna)
कोल्हापूर (Jobs in Kolhapur) लातूर (Jobs in Latur)
मुंबई (Jobs in Mumbai) नागपूर (Jobs in Nagpur)
नांदेड (Jobs in Nanded) नंदुरबार (Jobs in Nandurbar)
नाशिक (Jobs in Nashik) उस्मानाबाद (Jobs in Osmanabad)
परभणी (Jobs in Parbhani) पुणे (Jobs in Pune)
पालघर (Jobs in Palghar) रत्नागिरी (Jobs in Ratnagiri)
✅ रायगड (Job in Raigad) सातारा (Jobs in Satara)
सिंधुदुर्ग (Jobs in Sindhudurg) सोलापूर (Jobs in Solapur)
सांगली (Jobs in Sangli) ठाणे (Jobs in Thane)
वर्धा (Jobs in Wardha) वाशीम (Jobs in Washim)
यवतमाळ (Jobs in Yavatamal)
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