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Admission Process – For Various Education Courses are given under this category. For More Updates about this keep visiting us. All the Online Admission Forms keep visiting this Category.

GMC Nagpur Admission 2021

GMC Nagpur PG DMLT Course Admission 2021 Government Medical College, Nagpur published notification for admission to PG DMLT. This Course is for 01 Year. Government Medical College, Nagpur is available from 12 January 2021 to 16 January…

ANM Pune Admission 2020-2021

ANM Pune Admission 2020-2021 ANM Pune Admission 2020-202: Arogya Seva Ayuktalay, Public Health Department invited for Pune admission to the course of  Female Assistant Nurse Midwifery (ANM 2 years duration) Male and Female both candidates…

CIPET Training Program 2020

CIPET Training Program 2020: INISTRY OF MICRI, SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSME) and Central Institute of Plastics and Technology (CIPET), Chandrapur jointly under the Capacity Building Training Program for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled…

DBSKKV Admission 2020-2021

DBSKKV Admission 2020-2021 Dr. Under Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, for the academic year 2020-2021, the admission process for the first year of Diploma in Agricultural Technology, Diploma in Fisheries Engineering and…

VNMKV Diploma Admission 2020

VNMKV Diploma Admission 2020 Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani for the academic year 2020-2021 Diploma in Agricultural Technology, Admission process of the course from the university level. It is being implemented…
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