BARC वैज्ञानिक सहाय्यक/बी भरती परीक्षेचे प्रवेशपत्र डाउनलोड करा – BARC Admit Card Download

BARC Admit Card Download

Here we provide the the BARC Scientific Assistant/B Admit card for the Written examination which is held on 23rd April 2023. Candidates can be downloaded from the website from 11.04.2023. Login with registered e-mail id. Candidates are required to bring the admit card with printout of on-line application along with all original certificates, testimonials and self attested copies of the certificates, failing which their candidature will be rejected. Candidates will be disqualified, if found ineligible during the verification of documents.

Other Important Recruitment  

समाज कल्याण भरती परीक्षेचे वेळापत्रक, प्रवेशपत्र उपलब्ध..!
सार्वजनिक आरोग्य विभागात लवकरच नवीन भरतीला सुरुवात..!
लाडक्या बहिणीसाठी आनंदाची बातमी! जाणून घ्या..!
PDKV मध्ये ५२९ रिक्त पदांची भरती जाहीर, अर्ज करा..!
महाजनको तंत्रज्ञ ३ पदाच्या 800 रिक्त जागेची भरती सुरु..!
तलाठी २४७१ रिक्त पदांची भरती लवकरच अपेक्षित, वाचा माहिती..!
भूमी अभिलेख २५२८ पदे रिक्त लवकरच भरती अपेक्षित..!
“पोलीस भरती” कागदपत्रे 2025

आज प्रकाशित झालेल्या न्युज, प्रवेश पत्र, निकाल इ.

सर्व सरकारी योजना, लाभ, अर्ज आणि कागतपत्रांची यादी

📥 व्हाट्सअँप चॅनल जॉईन करा!

महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व सरकारी जॉब्स, निकाल, परीक्षेचे वेळापत्रक मोबाईलॲप डाउनलोड करा..!

  • Written Examination will be held at Anushaktinagar, Trombay, Mumbai 400 094.
  • (Name of the Exam Centre will be mentioned in the Admit Card)
  • Date of written examination – 23.04.2023
  • Reporting time for the written examination – 08:00AM

Candidates who are qualifying the written exam will be eligible to appear for the Interview which will be held at Mumbai on 24.04.2023 & 25.04.2023.


Instruction to download Admit Card

admit card download

Eligible for written Exam

BARC Stipendiary Trainee & Technician Admit Card

BARC Recruitment Exam Admit Card: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) declared the admit card for the posts of Stipendiary Trainee & Technician Posts. Applicants who applied for this recruitment to these posts can download their examinations admit cards by using following link. Fill the require details in the given details & download the admit cards. Use following online applications link to get the Hall Ticket.

Downloads BARC Admit Card

BARC Admit Card 2020 – Asst Security Officer & Security Guard Physical Test Admit Card

BARC Recruitment Exam Admit Card: Bhahbha Atomic Research Center (BHABHA) declared Physical Test admit card for the post of Asst Security Officer & Security Guard Advt. No. 09/2019 (R-II). Physical Test will be held from 17 to 31-03-2020 & 01 to 18-04-2020. Applicants who applied for this recruitment to these posts can download their examinations admit cards by using following link. Fill the require details in the given details & download the admit cards. Use following online applications link to get the Hall Ticket.

How to Download BARC Security Officer and Guard Recruitment Admit Cards

  • Use following official website link
  • Enter the require credentials in the given fields
  • Use email ID & Password to get access
  • Also enter the given letters from image
  • Click on “Login” button to get the call letters download.


BARC Stipendiary Trainee Recruitment Admit Cards

For recruitment to the Stipendiary Trainee posts Bhabha Atomic Research Center released admit card. Applicants who applied for this recruitment to these posts can download their examinations admit cards by using following link. Fill the require details in the given details & download the admit cards. Use following online applications link to get the download the BARC Stipendiary Trainee posts by using following link

How to Download BARC Stipendiary Trainee Recruitment Admit Cards

  • Use following official website link
  • Enter the require credentials in the given fields
  • Use email ID & Password to get access
  • Also enter the given letters from image
  • Click on “Login” button to get the call letters download.

Download BARC Stipendiary Trainee Recruitment Admit Cards Here

BARC Scientific Officer/ D Recruitment Interview Admit Card Download

Bhahbha Atomic Research Center (BHABHA) declared the list of shortlists applicants for recruitment to the posts of Scientific Officer/ D (General Surgery). List of shortlists applicants for the posts are declared for the advertisement for Advt. 01/2018 (R-IV). These shortlists applicants are now eligible for interview. Such eligible applicants interview will be conduct on 13th December 2018 at following mention address.

Applicants who shortlists for the interview can download their interview admit cards by using following link. It is necessary for the applicants to bring their admit cards for the interview. Also applicants need to bring their applications along with all original documents & certificates as necessary to the posts.

Date of Interview : 13th December 2018

Address for Interview  : BARC Hospital, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai – 400094

How to Download BARC Recruitment Exam Admit Card Download

  • To download the BARC Scientific Officer/ D Recruitment Interview Admit Card click on following official website link.
  • Enter email I & password in given field
  • Then go to “My Account” menu
  • Click on “My Application”
  • Find option print to print the BARC Scientific Officer/ D Recruitment Interview Admit Card

Qualification Wise Jobs:- शैक्षणिक अहर्तेनुसार जॉब्स शोधा

✅ १०वी पास उमदेवारांसाठी जॉब्स (10th Pass Jobs) १२वी पास उमदेवारांसाठी जॉब्स (12th Pass Jobs)
बँक जॉब्स (Bank Jobs) सरंक्षण विभागात नोकरी (Jobs in Defence)
इंजिनियर जॉब्स (अभियंता) (Engineers Jobs) फ्रेशर्स जॉब्स (Jobs For Freshers)
सरकारी जॉब्स (Government Jobs) आयटीआय पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (ITI Jobs)
पॉलिटेक्निक पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (Poly Jobs) प्रायव्हेट जॉब्स (Private Jobs)
मेडिकल स्टाफ जॉब्स (Medical Jobs) MBA पास उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (MBA Jobs)
ग्रॅजुएट उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (Graduate Jobs) पोस्ट ग्रॅजुएट उमेदवारांसाठी जॉब्स (PG Jobs)
रेल्वे जॉब्स (Railway Jobs) स्कुल जॉब्स (School Jobs)
टीचर्स जॉब्स (Teachers Jobs)

District Wise Jobs:- जिल्ह्याप्रमाणे जॉब्स शोधा

✅ अहमदनगर (Jobs in Ahmednagar) अकोला (Jobs in Akola)
अमरावती (Jobs in Amravati) औरंगाबाद (Jobs in Aurangabad)
बीड (Jobs in Beed) भंडारा (Jobs in Bhandara)
बुलढाणा (Jobs in Buldhana) चंद्रपूर (Jobs in Chandrapur)
धुळे (Jobs in Dhule) गडचिरोली (Jobs in Gadchiroli)
गोंदिया (Jobs in Gondia) हिंगोली (Jobs in Hingoli)
जळगाव (Jobs in Jalgaon) जालना (Jobs in Jalna)
कोल्हापूर (Jobs in Kolhapur) लातूर (Jobs in Latur)
मुंबई (Jobs in Mumbai) नागपूर (Jobs in Nagpur)
नांदेड (Jobs in Nanded) नंदुरबार (Jobs in Nandurbar)
नाशिक (Jobs in Nashik) उस्मानाबाद (Jobs in Osmanabad)
परभणी (Jobs in Parbhani) पुणे (Jobs in Pune)
पालघर (Jobs in Palghar) रत्नागिरी (Jobs in Ratnagiri)
✅ रायगड (Job in Raigad) सातारा (Jobs in Satara)
सिंधुदुर्ग (Jobs in Sindhudurg) सोलापूर (Jobs in Solapur)
सांगली (Jobs in Sangli) ठाणे (Jobs in Thane)
वर्धा (Jobs in Wardha) वाशीम (Jobs in Washim)
यवतमाळ (Jobs in Yavatamal)
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