ZP Jalna Bharti Results
ZP Jalna Selection List and Wating List
ZP Jalna Bharti Results : Zilha Parishad Jalna has released the Selection List for the Posts of Technical Medical Officer Posts. Applicants who applied for the recruitment process can check their names from the following link.
ZP Jalana Selection List
ZP Jalna Bharti Results : Zilha Parishad Jalna has released the Selection List for the Posts of Technical Assistant and MTS (Peon) Posts. Applicants who applied for the recruitment process can check their names from the following link.
Zilha Nivad Samiti Jalna Result List For Document Verification
ZP Jalna Bharti Results: Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Jilha Parishad has released the Candidates list for Home Head, Cook, Assistant Cool, Watchman Posts. Eligible Applicants need to check their name from the below link. Such eligible applicants need to bring their documents for Documents verification which is conduct on 16th March 2020 at समग्र शिक्षा कार्यालय जि. प. जालना.
Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Eligible / Not-Eligible List
ZP Jalna Bharti Results : Zilha Parishad Jalna Under Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan declared the lists of eligible applicants for recruitment to the Home Head, Cook, Assistant Cook Watchman Posts. Eligible Applicants need to check their name from below link. Such eligible applicants are need to bring their applications for written examination. Written Exam Conduct on 29th February 2020 to जिल्हा परिषद मुलांची प्रशाला स्टेशन रोड, जालना
Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Eligible / Not-Eligible List
Zilha Nivad Samiti Jalna Result Selection List
ZP Jalna Bharti Results : Zilha Parishad Jalna declared the lists of eligible applicants for recruitment to the Junior Assistant, Health Servant & Attendant posts. Such eligible applicants are need to bring their applications for written examination. Hall ticket for the written examinations is also available here to download. Applicants who applied for the recruitment process may check the list of eligible applicants from following link.
Zilha Nivad Samiti Jalna Hall Ticket Download
Zilha Nivad Samiti Jalna Bharti Selection List
CHECK Zilha Nivad Samiti Jalna Result Selection List HERE
ZP Rashtriy Nagri Upajivika Abhiyan Jalana Bharti Result
ZP Jalna Bharti Results : Zilha Parishad Jalna declared the the list of eligible applicants list for recruitment to the post Assistant Project Officer & Community Organizer post. Applicants who applied for the recruitment process can check their names from following link of eligibility & non eligible applicants list. In the list reason for non eligibility is also mention. Applicants can check their names from following link.
Names of the applicants eligible for recruitment & non eligible applicants for recruitment process is given below. Applicants who makes the application for recruitment process can check their names by using following link. Check ZP Rashtriy Nagri Upajivika Abhiyan Jalana Bharti Eligibility & non eligibility to the recruitment from following link : –
Check ZP Rashtriy Nagri Upajivika Abhiyan Jalana Bharti Result Here
ZP Jalna Bharti Results for Anukanpa
ZP Jalna Bharti , General Administration Department has released the waiting list of applicants for recruitment various posts. As on 16th December 2018, ZP Jalna declared the applicants for waiting list for recruitment to various posts mention. Details of the applicants who applied for this recruitment process is given in the following link. Applicants who applied for the recruitment process can check their names from below link.
This waiting list of the eligible applicants denotes for ZP Jalna Bharti Results for Anukanpa basis for the recruitment to mention posts. Applicants can check the waiting list for recruitment process from below link : –
Check ZP Jalna Bharti Results for Anukanpa Here