ZP Akola Bharti Results
ZP Akola Bharti Result
ZP Akola Bharti Result: Zilla Parishad has recently released the Selection List for the various posts applicants who applied for these posts may check their selection list from the given link.
Check List Here
ZP Akola Bharti Result
ZP Akola Bharti Result: General Administrative Department under Zilla Parishad Akola has announced the list of Anukampa Candidates for document verification. DV process will be on 19th, 20th and 21st October 2020. Check your names from below link:
ZP अकोला मूळ कागदपत्र तपासणी करिता अनुकंपा उमेदवारांची यादी
ZP Akola Bharti Final Eligibility List
Zilla Parishad has recently released the Eligibility and Ineligibility list for the posts of Medical officer RBSK, Dialysis Technician, statistical Assistant, Pharmacist, ANM’ Asha Brock Facilitator. Applicants who applied for the recruitment examinations can now check their list from the given link.
ZP Akola Bharti Eligible and In-eligible list
National Health Mission, Zilla Parishad has recently released the Eligibility and Ineligibility for the posts of Social worker, ANM, Group Promoter Posts. Applicants who applied for the recruitment examinations can now check their list from the given link.
ZP Akola Bharti Eligibility List
Zilla Parishad has recently released the Eligibility and Ineligibility list for the posts of Lawer. Applicants who applied for the recruitment examinations can now check their list from the given link.
ZP Akola Bharti Results
For recruitment to the sports teachers/ sports guide post Integrated Tribal development Department Akola conduct the recruitment examination 2019. This examinations was conduct on 20th January 2019 by Akola District Headquarters. For this examinations total 26 applicants was present.
Marks obtain by the applicants in this examination is now declared here. Applicants who applied for the recruitment examinations can now check their marks obtain in the examinations by using following link. Marks obtain by the applicants in the examinations along with seat no. of the applicants is given in the following link. Check ZP Akola Bharti Results from below : –
Check ZP Akola Bharti Results Here